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First of all, watch the video above. It's great.

Alright, I'm here to inform you that I will be gone for a whole week due to spring break. I'm going on vacation!

Good for me, bad for my readers.

I won't have any wifi or connection on my trip, so no more chapters until I get back. Now, I'd like to take this opportunity when I've got your attention to inform you that I need OC's, I'd love if you could help me with that! Also, I need ideas so that I have multiple ideas for the next chapters, which will prevent writers block!

Also, if you do read this, please comment. I don't care about votes, but I do want to hear what you think when you read this.

Thanks for reading!

Shock Wave (Fairy Tail Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz