The first incident

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John Marsh , father of  Shelly Marsh and Amber Marsh, was sitting at his desk in his office. He was skinny, linky, and had a very unintimidating look about him. He was typing away at a manuscript he had been working on for years. "I'm almost done." Had been his favorite phrase to use towards the manuscript. Some would think he would never be done. It was generally late and dark outside, next to John , in a baby rocker swing, was Amber Marsh. She was only a few months old and fast asleep.
The  four year old Shelly was asleep in her bed upstairs. John's wife was running around in the other side of the house. John was a smart man, but a perfectionist, and as most know perfection can not be met, so John seemed doomed to having himself as his worst enemy. Not good enough at this or the other, John wasn't the only person who suffered from his perfect wrath, but his dear wife as well. She couldn't perfectly do this that or the other either. No one could, therefore no one was good enough for John, not even John's self. So John would settle on the imperfect.
The putter patter of the keyboard sat rhythmically in John's ears and kept the baby sleeping. Though the keyboard was also imperfect, as the keys were too loud. So loud in fact that he couldn't here the sound of feet coming down the stairs. The , bump , of each heavy  stalking foot print. His keyboard was so imperfect for a good five minutes he didn't notice his eldest standing in the door, with her head down. In pajamas. His eyesight was so imperfect that upon his quick first glance he didn't see the blood stains on his daughters pajamas, he also didn't see the dog carcass in her hands.
Then he looked over for real and stopped typing "He-" his word faltered at the gruesome sight. He couldn't think, but his hands grew clammy and his forehead put out beads of sweat, he was paralyzed in fear.  Finally his mouth moved " W-what, who did, wh-"
His daughters head rolled up to look at him, she wore a sickening sharp toothed grim, and her eyes were completely black. "A warning shot." She snarled in a demonic voice.
"You've been warned." She said, dropped the carcass and claws came out from her finger nails. She pounced towards John, who screamed and stood, he couldn't run, but his imperfect instincts made him throw himself in front of the monster, Amber still asleep in the swing behind his back.  The creature grabbed his arm, and with inhuman strength pulled him  to her, she swing him to the ground and scratched his throat killing him.
At that moment Amber awoke and cried. The blood curdling baby cries sent John's wife into the room. "See you later Mother." The creature said and took a claw to her own throat as the wife grabbed the baby in her protective arms and ran. She ran to the police, who didn't believe her.
Now it was just her and Amber Marsh.

The Black eyed Children حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن