Amber Finds out

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That morning Amber was awaken by Mortice, she caught something different about him. His face was whiter, his voice was forced. He, though it seemed he was trying to make this unnoticed, was a bit less bouncy than usual.
Amber worried, she hoped Mortice was okay.
"So sweet sugar, what do you want for breakfast?" Mortice asked. Amber's eyebrows furrowed, he was moving slower he seemed almost sad, maybe thoughtful.
"How about beignets?" Amber said excitedly raising her hands over her head her puffed out, bed head, hair bouncing around her. Mortice smiled weakly and started pouring flour into a large red bowl. He poured to much. Amber was unnerved by his behavior, it wasn't like him to be any form of solemn. He bent down to get a spoon and his hat fell off. He didn't catch it with his usual grace, he didn't snatch it before it hit the ground and smirk at Amber while she clapped like usual. It took him about ten seconds to pick it up.
Amber had enough, she wanted her normal, happy, Mortice back. "Mortice what's wrong!"
The sudden out burst made him jump.
Amber's different colored eyes gleamed fire smoldered in her pupils. " You look sad, you aren't acting normal! Stop, be happy!"
"I, uh..." Mortice wasn't sure she was ready to hear what was bothering him. She's so young.
"MORTICE TELL ME WHATS WRONG!" Her small hands banged against the table her face grew hot. She felt tears swell in her eyes, she was scared, what could be so wrong to have Mortice acting this way?
Upon seeing the tears Mortice made his decision quickly. "Whoa, swinging sugar , no need to to cry, I-" he stuttered, his smooth voice broke, that made Amber even more afraid. " I'll tell you what's marking my mind." He let in a sharp breath and sat at the table. He looked down and crossed his fingers.

"Amber," She looked up he never called her by her name the fire in her eyes was doused and became fear. "I have not been honest with you." She looked at him, he wouldn't meet her eyes. "Your father was magic, just like me." Amber leaned back in her chair the fear turned to surprise, then to skepticism. That wasn't all, she felt it. "M-magic, is hereditary, I got it from my father... a-and you got it from yours." He looked up at her their eyes locked.

"I- I'm magic?" Amber looked down at her hands, they were shaking.


"That's... SO COOL!" Amber jumped out of her seat. She flipped around in the book on Mortice's podium. "Teach me something!"

"Lovely lavender lady," Mortice crouched down to Amber's level, he put his long fingered hands on her shoulders. "Magic is something you have to be careful with." His face was very serious. "I will teach you, we will rid the world of the black eyed children, as long as you understand that magic is not a toy." His eyes gained back the playful sparkle, his grin resurfaced. "But that does not mean we can not have some marvelous magical fun! Lets learn some spells and go find a couple of chilling children and practice."

Amber clapped. "What are you going to teach me!?"

"Lets learn a brilliant blasting spell, it will make a huge hole straight through those troublesome tikes." 

Amber's face shone brightly."Okay!"

"Right so all we have to do is make a magic, I suppose you could call it lotion, and then rub it into our hands, our bodies with react with it because we are magicians, then when we say a certain word it will shoot from our hands and through the children, got it."

Amber took a second to run the sentence through her brain, to make sure she was really understanding,remembering to keep in mind that magic is not a toy. Finally she said," Okay, yeah I get it."

"Good lets get on making the lotion!" His voice was serious but in a excited sort of way, like a scientist who loved their job. He crept over like a spindly spider to one of the many book shelves and gathered many strangely shaped vials and containers, he carried them over to the podium awkwardly in his linky arms. He splayed them in front of Amber who looked in awe at them.

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