Another incident

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Amber Marsh had grown up a bit now, her mother remarried and she was never told of her sister turning into a monster. Never told she had had a sister or another father. Never told the truth. She was eight now.
She had a small group of friends in her elementary school class. Michele, Jessie, and Dan. They all sit down and chat about the latest episode of the children's show they all watched, or what they'd be when they grew up. Little did the children know that growing up required no aging, it was about experiences, maturity.
For the first time ever Amber was very excited to have her friends over for a slumber party. Upon coming home from school she set up sleeping bags and bowls of chips and dip as snacks. She also picked out the newest Pixar movie for them to watch.
Just as she was paying very near attention matching her stuffed animal's personalities to her friends as to give them each the perfect one, her doorbell rung. She made sure quickly that everything was perfect and ran to the door. Her brown ponytail streamed behind her as she sprinted across the large house. She practically threw her mother as so she could open the door.
She greeted her friends, they all went to her room and everything was going just as Amber planned. She was also a bit of a perfectionist, like her forgotten father had been. One of her friends, Jessie asked to go to the restroom.
Amber pointed her in the correct direction and went back to hosting her party. It was around the time that Amber had planned to put on the movie that she realized Jessie had been gone for quite a long time.

Amber walked down the long dark hallway, she was too preoccupied with the fact that she was leaving her other party goers in her room by them selves with nothing to do, and how simply imperfect that was to be scared of the general creepiness of the hallway. She went to knock on the door, there was no reply. Now her stomach did a turn she was getting a bit nervous. She knocked again, once more there was no reply. Amber's knees started to shake. She knocked one more time, her shaking hand banged on the wood lightly. Then the door flung open, Amber screamed, and a hand rested on her shoulder. "BOO!" Jessie's voice cried, Amber then came to the realization that the hand was Jessie's and this was a prank. " Oh man you should have seen your face!"

"That's not funny! You almost scared me to death!" she dusted off her shirt, "Come one let's get back to the party." She mustered and lead her friend back to the room she opened the door, no one in the room moved. Her two friends sat parallel to one another, Dan who was facing Amber had his head down, his face unseen. Amber's hostess' smile dropped. "Uh, guys, what are you doing?"

Dan's head roled in an unnatural way to look at Amber. Amber stepped back, and beads of sweat fell from her pores when he saw what used to be Dan's face decorated with fully black eyes and a sharp tooth twisted smile. She looked back to see Jessie, and pinned herself in a corner when she saw that Jessie had morphed into the same chilling creature. Michele turned as well, she was also one of the creatures, " How about you join our game?" The smile grew wider. "But to play you have to get pretty like us." this seemed to be Jessie's queue as her hand reached up and placed itself under Amber's chin. Amber started to cry, then claws retracted from Jessie's hand and pierced a wound in Amber's flesh, Amber screamed as loud she could.

Her mother came running down the hallway. She saw Jessie, and the other black eyed children, "Not again ." she whispered, then she saw Amber bleeding in the corner. "Hell no, you're not taking her too!" she screamed and threw her elbow, catching Jessie in the temple, she scooped up Amber, she ran from the other creatures. She got in the car and threw Amber in the back seat, then she speed off.

"Mommy what are those?" Amber asked through her confused tears.

"The nice man in New Orleans will tell you darling." She told her daughter and kept her eyes on the road, not daring to look back.

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