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It had been weeks, maybe even months, she didn't know, the only concept of time Amber had was when she had to eat. She had been in the same room at the front of the house tirelessly mixing potion after potion, saying spell after spell. All in failed efforts to get Mortice, and hopefully all of the other creatures back.
She had matured far beyond her years within these weeks (months?). She was dedicated to trying to get her friend back. Selflessly she slaved over hot cauldrons, read book after book, tried to decipher Mortice's scratchy writing.
Finally, one day she came across a paper. It was old and ripped, it was on the floor in a storm of mess Amber had produced. She in crumpled it as best she could and began reading.
Incomplete regeneration potion
Night shade
Eye jelly of dragon
Troll tooth
Horn marrow of unicorn
Tear of creature you are to return
(missing something to make it all react)
This struck Amber, this paper must have been what all the research had came too. Though what really shook her was that the regeneration potion was missing something.
Mortice knew all magical plants, creatures, and anything else. He had one of anything he could salvage from each magical being. So how could there be something missing.
This had to be something Mortice didn't know about, something he would never even think to try. Amber was at a loss.
She began talking to herself in low tones. "What would he not thing to try. Not try,not try, MORTICE NOT TRY, impossible. Inconceivable. I'll try." Nonsense fell from her mouth, she was going as mad as a hatter with this new discovery.
She ran around the room, half reading labels on things, until she collected everything from the potion, except for whatever was missing, and one of Mortices tears. Where would she get that?
She started to flip through the books, looking for a hand written annotation, something underlined, anything that may have told her somewhere to get the tear from. Then she stopped, she found three dark brown, yellowy spots on a page. Tear drops.
Curiosity took her over, what could make Mortice cry? She read over the page, it read about a young girl, Amber's age that got killed by the black eyed children thousands of years ago. The drawn in picture looked quite a lot like Amber.
She read the page, it was the same unfinished potion, it stopped in mid-sentence. Then scratched into the page with messy handwriting "It almost worked!" Yellowy tear spots were speckled here as well.
It seemed so close, the efforts poured into this one page, this half written spell. Amber ran excitedly to the cauldron, quickly she mixed the ingredients together, then she had to think, this was were the spell stopped.
Then she realized Mortice had missed the variable of the black eyed children. He didn't know. So she followed the basic knowledge of spell mixing that Mortice had given her, and knew the final ingredient, the soul of a black eyed child.
Sure she had plenty from her days of fighting them with Mortice,  but it was dangerous business to open up that container of souls. They could all escape and every effort they had put towards killing them, and Mortice's hopefully temporary death would be in vain. She went to the back room and carefully grabbed the container. She sat down at the table with it. Stared at it, she knew the spell she knew how to do it, but she couldn't bring herself to say the words.
Tears started to fall from her eyes, though her expression remained emotionless. She glared at it and opened a small glass vial.
She patted her dry lips, her mouth felt full of cotton. "Soul come forth i-i-in..." She stuttered and stopped the container opened a bit and souls started to pour out, she messed up, four, five, six souls now.
She closed the container as fast as she could and ran to get the things to collect souls, quickly she got two, three, one went out the window, another flew by her ankle and across the house, she got three, four. And finally caught up with the lady one, she trapped that in the vial.
If this spell worked one little souls out there wouldn't mean much.
She plopped the vial into the bubbling cauldron, smoke rose.
It worked, she made the potion!
She flew to the middle of the woods. She was ready, ready to have Mortice back, ready to see what a real unicorn looked like.
She drank the potion, and started to count.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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