Two souls and a magic man

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 The spell that was keeping Amber paralyzed lifted, she fell to her knees and tears poured from her face. Mortise the magic man came out from the corner with a small glowing vial, full of purple liquid. Amber locked eyes with him, "Hey little lady stop all that cringing and crying and come on and see." Mortise said rather nonchalantly to be holding, what Amber assumed to be, her mother's soul in his hand. Though she didn't know what else to do, all of her insides hurt, her chest ached, and when she stood her legs felt like noodles. None the less she took a deep breath and dried her tears, she trotted over to Mortise. The resilience she was showing looked strange on a seven year old, but with what she has seen tonight she gained a new level of maturity.

Mortise poured the glowing purple liquid into a heated clear solution, there was a large puff of purple smoke, then soberly Mortise announced,  "She musta been a marvelous mama, purple souls mean particularly kind." . He stirred the pot, Amber stayed quiet. "Now, drink." He said and pushed the pot of soul to Amber.

"What, no!"

"C'mon you gotta."  He pushed it closer.

"No! That's my mom isn't it?!" Amber said exclaimed and reared away from the pot.

"Yes, but look it dainty darling, if you don,t drink it your mama would have died in the dirt for no darn reason. You want that, because if so you don't ha-"

"No! No, I can't let her death be in vain. "

"I glad you see the light, now drink." Finally Amber took the pot in her hands, she stared at it for a minute.

"I love you mommy." She whispered and and chugged the concoction. A shiver ran down her spine and a rush shook her  body. She stared to sweat, and violent jolts of movement tore at her. She felt the two souls inside her mingling fighting. She was thrown to the ground and her eyes shut tightly in pain, until finally her body jolted one more time, and everything was still. Mortise thought she might be dead, this was the first time he had done this after all. But then she sat bolt upright, and her eyes sharply opened. her pupils dilated, one of the eyes were Amber's muddy brown and the other was her mother's crystal blue.

Mortise smiled and laughed darkly, proudly. Amber giggled a bit as well.

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