Training fight

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Amber woke up she was in a bed that had an array of animal skin blankets. She felt bigger and stronger. She stood up in the wooden room and got a head rush, she fell back to the sheets with a loud box spring noise. The door flew open and cracked against the wall making Amber jump. The spindly legged Mortise stepped in with a tray. It had a dainty teapot that with every jerking mannerism Mortise managed spilled over a little bit, it also held some beignets. Amber sat up in bed.

"Good morning simmering sunshine. Hows your double dueling soul soothing?" Mortise inquired and raised.
"I feel alright. " Amber said in a groggy tone and eagerly took the food off the tray.
"Good because today, I'm going to train you to rid this curse, we going to start by getting those black eyed boogies out your hyper house."
Amber's hands grew clammy " what do ya say sweet strawberry"
"Don't be nervous these will be an ease."
Amber finished her food and Mortise left so she could get dressed. She pulled on a dress, the only things in her drawers, it was red and black and the skirt was puffy as well as the sleeves. She realized that her outfit matched Mortice's. She smiled a bit at this. She realized she looked taller, older, also that her brain was working faster.
"How long was I asleep?"
"Oh not long it you see when another soul slips in you get a little bit more life experience makes you seem older than an otter."
"Right." She looked out one of the tinted windows of the shop and realized there was no car to be seen. " How are we getting back to my house?"
Mortice's looked at Amber as if she had said the stupidest thing possible. "I'm Mortice the magic man, we are flying via this magic mixture." He held up a small vial. " speaking, we should get going." Mortice sprinkled whatever was in the vial over Amber. "Hurry, run outside you don't want to fly right threw the roof , right?"
Amber bolted outside, as soon as she made it her feet left the ground. Mortice soon followed her. They floated gracefully for about a minute. Then Mortice flicked Amber on the forehead.
"Ow, Mortice what was that fooooAAAAAA"
She started falling and broke through the clouds she was going at lightning speed and was sure to die as soon as she hit the ground. Then just an inch off the hard concrete of the drive way that should have been the end of her she floated like a feather and landed softly on the ground.
"What a lovely landing." Mortice noted and places his hat back on his head.
"That was pretty cool!" Amber remarked a playful smile danced on her face. She seemed to be forgetting the task at hand.
"Don't forget what you have to do to hateful demonic characters." Amber looked at the house darkly. It dawned on her that the monsters would have her friends faces, a twisted version of them, but still their faces. She breathed in sharply when Mortice's long fingers showed in her fails of vision, they were holding a knife. Amber backed up slightly startled.
"Take the knife and go and cut your competition." Mortice said and Amber grabbed the hilt of the beautifully engraved weapon.
"Go into the house and dead the demons, when your done tell for me and I'll show you the clean up process." He patted a bag that Amber just realized he had.
Amber started toward the house, and with a pang she understood that if these monsters hadn't came her mother would still be alive, she would still have one soul. With that the thought of it being her friends excited her mind, as far as her concern, they killed her friends too.
She went inside ready to fight. The house was quite, a deadly silence. The hair on the back of her neck raised. She tip toed up stairs and she went into her old bedroom. "Oh,no." She whispered, the monsters were still in here, but they had claimed another victim.
Except this time they ate more than the soul, they at the man. A tall man was in the middle of a room full of claw marks and bloody walls with a few buzzing flys, and bloody hand prints. The man was dead and ripped open, his guts strewn about, chunks of him missing with teeth marks around them. Blood was pooled in the carpet under him.
Amber was in shock at the horrid sight. The snarling growl made her grip tighten on the knife and her body fling around. It was the monster that had taken over Jessie's body.
It launched itself at Amber, she put out her knife, the monster landed on it, using the knife as a sort of handle Amber wrenched her to the ground, she took out the knife and stabbed the monster again, but through the face this time. She was sure it was dead now.
Feeling a burst of adrenaline Amber was confident to go at another one . She went down stairs into the living room. From in the study a loud growl, tiger like almost sounded. Then Amber felt something grab her ankle, she was pulled off her feet, she feel slimly missing her knife. She looked back and realized Michele was at her ankle. She jolted her leg and kicked it in the face, it let go of her ankle and tried to squirm away, but Amber caught it in the head with the knife, killing it instantly.
She had one more person gone monster to get at, Dan. She went into the kitchen. She looked around and was just about to leave when from behind her the loud bang of a door opening sounded. She turned around to see the monstrous version of Dan flying at her, she screamed as he tackled her. He bit her shoulder, but suddenly bounced off spitting out whatever blood her got, she rose to her knees and , holding the knife with both hands, stabbed him in the stomach. He feel to the ground and she took the knife in and caught his face with the knife, then let him complete his fall. She sat there, covered in blood, breathing heavy.  "MORTICE!" She called.
Wow! You finished them!" Mortice sad stumbling into the kitchen, after carefully stepping over Michelle's monster body.
"Yes." Amber whispered.
"Okay, pretty poke, the clean up climb is easy peasy. All you do is get one of these" he pulled a small box out off his bag. "Enchanted lock boxed and open it like so." He opened it over Dan. " then you gather the monster spirit." A purple haze was lifted from Dan and sucked into the box. Mortice quickly closed it. " and that's it." He flashed one of his wife smiles.
Amber was fascinated and went to touch the box. Mortice smacked it away. "And you can't open it."
Mortice bolted around the house and collected the spirits. His only reaction to the gruesome scene in the bedroom was a small. "Ugh!" Then they left, and flew to the shop. Amber washed the blood off herself and practically collapsed in her bed.
Mortice stood in the front of the shop with his hands in his hair. "Today was easy, how will she react to the big one."
You need to train her more
A disembodied voice boomed through the room
"I know, just..."
Make her understand, give her both sides,and train her.
Mortice hung his head solemnly, "yes sir."

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