You're It

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Lately life had been slow, no calls for black eyed children, no incidents. Amber was almost fully trained in the first phases of magic. Mortice was happy, and so was Amber.
As they sat at the table eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches (Mortice insisted it was the best thing he had ever eaten.) the phone rang. It was a loud high pitched sound, though they felt something sinister behind it. Reluctantly Mortice raised himself from the table and went to the shop to answer.

"Come and play." This was a static filled child like drawl. Mortice almost dropped the phone. His breath quickened.
"Who is this?" He knew the answer, he didn't want to believe it. Amber put her head around the door to see what he was doing.
" You know who we are, come quick we have play friends with us now, if you don't hurry we might break them." Then it giggled, and that's what got Mortice. Mortice's face grew hot, but his hands were shaking. They never talk, how did they get his number? They were stronger now. Could Amber handle it? He looked back and saw her curls fleeing, she failed miserably to hide.
"Where are you?" Mortice asked in a stern but concerned voice.
"We are playing at the museum." It growled. "Come and tag us, your it!" Then a long beep sounded they had hung up. There were lots of museums in New Orleans. Then he realized
"Of course!" They had a children's museum, were else would they be? 
He looked again and saw Amber, she gave up her attempts to hide.
" Amber," she knew he was serious, hearing her real name out his mouth was very rare. " we need to go to the children's museum to fight."
" Oh ok! No problem! We always win." But she knew that wasn't all, she knew there was something more, she could see it in his frown.
" They are stronger, I'm scared, I don't know if you are going to be okay, I can't let you get hurt."
" You're scared?" Amber asked shocked.
"Yes, I can't let you fight, not this time, if you get hurt I- I'll never forgive myself."
" No! Mortice I can't let you go by yourself! You'll get k-"
"Hush! I'm going to fight them by myself, you are going to wait to come help and collect the souls."
"But Mortice!"
"No, Amber, let's go. " Then they were off, above the clouds Mortice rung his hands and Amber was worrying. She hoped Mortice would be okay.
They landed in front the museum, there were cops out side of it with barricades and one of them lazily asking to release the hostages. They were obviously oblivious to what was really going on.
" Ugh, stupid mortals getting in the way." Mortice mumbled under his breath, he pulled a small vial from his coat with a black dust in it. He sprinkler it over Amber and himself.
Amber blinked and they were I inside the museum. Flustered she fell. Mortice picked her up and told her to stand in a corner of the lobby. It was then that she caught site of what was going on.
There were children with twisted faces running around. The part that made Amber afraid for Mortice was that they had muscles. Not just normal muscles, they were over grown you could see there veins throbbing. They were stronger all right.
" Mortice be carful." He offered a small smile.
"Of course lovely little lady. Keep watch for when I need ya'. " He gave her the things to catch the souls and ran off. Now Amber started to really look and saw the horrid sights. The parents ripped apart there was an arm strewn across the electric ball, the artificial lightning bolts drawn to it gruesomely. There were guts in the ball pit. The soap for the giant bubble was a dull pink with blood.
She had to refrain from screaming. Then she saw from the corner of her eye a green puff of smoke and knew that Mortice was doing good. Then she looked away and her relief was short lived when she heard the scream of a man.
She whipped her head around and saw Mortice doubled over. He was then taken from her sight as black eyed children engulfed him.
" MORTICE!" She screamed and got, she bolted to the scene, ignoring Mortice's earlier orders. "DALIHIA!" She screamed and sloppily shot the energy from her hands. It tore through the dome of demons that had formed around Mortice.
He was on the ground, eyes closed, he was bleeding so much she couldn't even tell were it was coming from. It didn't matter if she could, healing spells were phase two material. She started to cry she grabbed his coat collar and shook him " MORTICE!" She screamed and shook him again. She broke down and her head fell on his chest, his blood smeared her forehead. " Mortice, please, Mortice." She whispered. She felt the black eyed children gathering again. She yelled spells and tried to fight them. That took a lot of energy. She couldn't go anymore. She was tired, her eyes grew heavy. " Am I going to be okay?" She whispered to no one. Her vision became black. Was she?

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