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Amber woke up, everything around her was black. Mortice was no where to be found, her breath quickened. She tried to collect herself a bit. She breathed out "Flamous." She whispered and held up her finger. It flickered on like a lighter. The tiny orb of light it provided didn't do much, but it would have to be good enough for now. She looked around, it was basically a hole, it was a dirt-in circular place. It was large, she had at least ten feet of space around her at all sides. She tried to go threw her memory, what happened,where was Mortice? Questions courses through her mind, she was finding no answers. Tears started to swell in her eyes,the flame on her finger went out, she curled into a ball and started to sob wanting nothing more than for Mortice to come up behind her and tell her he was okay.
Suddenly a hollow thud came from across the room. She felt the dust brush her legs. She looked up. There stood a black eyed child. Amber quickly uncoiled herself and quickly pushed herself back,until she was against a wall.
Then she noticed the poised stance,the clothes that weren't ripped,the kept hair,the lack of blood stains. He was a black eyes child,but much different, less savage.
"Hello." It said in a very smooth voice."Don't be scared darling,we aren't going to hurt you just yet." The twisted smile of a usual black eyed child crossed his face but the blood stained teeth weren't there. He carried sparkling white fangs, they could kill you just the same.
"WHY AM I HERE?!" Amber shrieked,rage and confusion was apparent in her voice. "And where is Mortice?"
The things smile fell in thought but quickly came back. "Oh you mean the Magic man who had been trying to wipe us out for hundreds of years?" The thing stepped for word. "Well you see, he has two souls so we can't eat him, just like we can't eat you. What he didn't know was that not all of us are complete monsters, while we all have to eat I like to go about it with more grace, to put my meal to sleep then take its soul. Now we couldn't do that to your dear Mortice so we had to use my evolved ways to store his souls,of course eating the melded soul would kill us so we are just holding on to it. We did it the same way we stored all the other magic creatures so very long ago."
"Mortice told me humans did that. "
"You think mere mortal humans can do all of that by themselves darling. Your cute."
Amber thought for a second and it made sense. "We'll find a way out, Mortice told me some families are good at hide and seek, and one was one of them."
The thing let out a horrifying chuckle. The sharp toothed smile grew. "You have been found, your here, we got you. We got your dad too a while back. Your mom gave up her hiding spot for you. You lost hide and seek, now we are playing tag, I'm  it let's see if I can get you ."
Amber stood shakily. "You can't, and I will get back Mortice and all the magic creatures, and you evil black eyes children will be WIPED OUT! " she screamed and ran for ward she pushed the thing hard.  Not expecting it he fell to the ground, the twisted smile turned into a scowl and it got up, it slammed Amber to a wall, pinning her. Amber wiggled around trying to get loose. She held back a scream as it's head neared her neck. "I could kill you right now, your major artery is right in front of me,I could sink my teeth into it and you would die. You understand." The evil thing pulled its  head back. "Be good and I won't do that." Amber moved her hand and placed it on the creatures chest.
"You've been bad though." She said, it's face became confused. "DALIHIA!" She screamed, the spell Mortice had showed her how to do with out the magic paste. The stream of energy shot straight through the things chest. When it fell she strained to focus it upward and punched a hole through the roof the dirt place she was in.
She used the flying dust ,that she kept on her just encase, to zoom through and to the house.
It was lonely in the shop without Mortice. Amber stayed up all night looking through all of Mortice's research on getting back the creatures,the only thing he seemed to be missing was that the humans didn't do it.
That night she fell asleep at the desk with her face on a book. As Mortice used to.

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