When Death is at Your Doorstep

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Celeste POV

"Then I have some good news for you, Celeste." Jasper says, looking at me with a grin that appears possessed. I look straight into Joe's eyes, and he stands still as a statue. But I see the sweat sliding down his temple, the control he's having to maintain.

His eyes display his fear and raw emotion. I don't know how to tell him that's it's okay if I die. His deep blue eyes pierce into mine, searching me, memorizing me.

"I won't." Joe says, turning his gun to face Jasper. In response, the older man immediately cocks his pistol and aims it at Joe. "This is your last chance boy, or both of you die." I feel my heart begin to race as I decide what I need to do. Jasper's attention is completely focused on Joe right now. I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for pain. I jolt into a standing position and grab Jasper's gun hand. I bend it backwards until he releases the gun and yells out in pain. He instantly winds up with his other hand. He swings his fist at me. I duck and his fist passes over my head. This throws his center of balance off and he wobbles slightly. I bring my free fist up and punch him in the stomach. He doubles over, yelling any number of curses at me. They are cut off as I bring my knee up into his stomach again, sending him to the ground.

Jasper yells out curse after curse at us. I stumble to the ground and grasp his gun, which slid away when he fell. I point it at Jasper; my breathing is sharp and labored as the pain from my cracked rib starts to kick in. I start to back out, and Joe comes to stand beside me. I pass through the threshold of the doorway, and I hear Jasper's last words before Joe hits the code panel and the door slides shut.

"I'll find you! If it's the last thing I do, I swear to God I will kill you!" He screams. The door vibrates as he bangs his fists against it, causing slight vibrations in the heavy metal. I clench my jaw together, take a deep breath in, and then I turn and run away from Jasper. Alarms are blaring all throughout the hallway, causing my ears to ring.

"Go!" I hear Joe yell behind me. I push myself to run faster, ignoring the pain that shoots through my body. I glance back to see Joe slowing down slightly, pointing his gun in the direction he came. In the split second I take to glance behind me, I run square into someone. I scream as someone grabs my shoulders to steady me. I'm about to pull away when I make out startling blue eyes. "Seth?!"

"Oh my god." He says and pulls me into his arms. He says it over and over again, my name. His hand holds the back of my head, and I can't help but return his embrace despite the chaos. And God forbid that all I want to do is cry.

Preston is standing next to us, eyes wide. He holds a gun limp in his hand, like he's just woken up from a daydream. I hear footsteps as someone rounds a corner, and I pull away from Seth. I am conscious of his hand lightly touching my lower back, however.

Joe rounds the corner and freezes, his gun immediately rising. Preston and Seth copy his movement, and suddenly I'm standing in a triangle of guns. I grab Seth's forearm and force it down. "Guys, he's on our side," I glance back at Joe, who still holds his gun steady, "We can trust him."

Joe catches my eye, and then lowers his gun. I shoot a glare at Preston over my shoulder, and he rolls his eyes and finally relaxes. I don't have enough time to gather together my thoughts. Seth mutters a rather vulgar name and charges Joe. I gasp as he is pinned against the wall, Seth's hands wrapped around his neck. He doesn't look afraid, or even surprised, and he raises his hands in submission.

"You did this to her! I will kill you! You—" Seth yells. Joe watches him with raised eyebrows, but I notice that his eyes contain a large amount of guilt.

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