From Us to You (Author's Notes)

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Devon here.

It's been such an amazing experience writing this book for ya'll and I am so grateful for all of your support and encouragement. You have no idea how much it means to us. Writing this book has been such an incredible experience and I am so blessed to have Anna in my life to write it with her. Thank all of you so much for your ongoing support, it really means so much. You have no idea how many hours and long nights we spent pouring our hearts into this. It's been a year and 3 months since we started this book and I have learned so much through the process of writing this. It has shown me that patience is an important virtue, it has taught me time management skills, and most importantly it has shown me that the most gratifying things in life do not come easily. Writing this book has probably been one of the most time consuming yet satisfying things I have done in my life so far. And I am so thankful to have Anna to be able to share this experience with. She's had such and impact on my life and always been the one person I can always turn to no matter what. I guess she's that person where if I ever murdered anyone, I could trust her to help me hide the body with no questions asked. So I think everyone needs an Anna in their lives, and I'm so luck to have found her. I am also so thankful for all of you, who made this possible with your ongoing support. Always remember, when one chapter ends another begins.

I love y'all and thank you for everything,

Devon Lynn Ledbetter


So since she got her opportunity for sappy words and such, it's my turn now.

Anna here, and I intend on being as sappy in these next 250 words (roughly) as Devon was, so buckle down and grab your tissues. (Not that I'm gonna make you cry... 10 to 1 I probably won't.)

ANYWAYS... oh where to begin. Okay, lovelies. Briar Preparatory Academy has consumed the majority of my life for the past year and three months and I don't regret that at all. Your undying support and passion for this book has kept me and Devon going through some really tough times. Over the months, Devon and I have completely fallen in love with these characters because we created them, and developing them has been an incredible experience. This story contains some major life lessons that we both have learned over time and we felt that we needed to share them with other people somehow. Celeste and Kate and all their friends have their own story to tell, and we are proud to say that we got to tell it for them. There is so much passion, love, fear and horror poured from our hearts directly into the plot, and a year ago I never would have imagined that I would have enough commitment to write an entire book. (Anyone who knows me personally will tell you that I am the biggest procrastinator in the great state of Texas.) But that's why I have Devon, who has been my teammate and best friend for a long time now. She means the world to me, period. I hope that all of you have or will find someone as incredible as she is, but I will warn you... she's hard to beat.

That's all I've got to say for now, but it isn't over yet, lovelies. I don't think Devon and I are ready to say goodbye to you guys just yet...

-Anna R. McGough <3



So most have you guys have been asking for a long... long... looooooooooong time if BPA is going to get a sequel. Well, we are proud to say that this is not the end of Celeste and Kate and their friends' story. 

That's right everybody, BPA is getting it's sequel, and we are beyond thrilled to get to write it. Everything is going to be turned up a notch: the action, the suspense, the romance, the cliffhangers (our favorite). There are still so many big reveals and loose ends that we felt we needed to tie up, and the sequel is going to do that. You guys have got some MAJOR plot twists coming your way, so get excited. We are gonna work hard on the plans for this book, but it will take time. Our goal is to make you guys happy, and to do that we need to put our best effort we have into it. In that case, this sequel isn't going to have it's first chapters published until after 2017 hits. Our goal date as of right now is to publish the first chapter sometime in early to mid February. Please have patience and understand that we're taking our time for you guys, because we want BPA #2 (that's what we're calling it right now, because we haven't even got a title yet) to be a huge step up from the first one. 

But that's not the only announcement we're gonna make. We don't just want to leave you guys waiting for more content to come out. So, as a minor project, we are going to be writing a BPA novella based on where all this began. This prequel (roughly 15 to 20 chapters) will revolve around Jacqueline Vegas and her friends as they go through their senior year at the Academy. This is just for a little bit of insight of what drove Jasper to his insane goals, and the heartbreaking backstory to how Celeste's life long journey began. It is going to be filled with tragedy, love, and shocking messages that we are thrilled to begin writing. We DO have a title for this novella... 

Briar Preparatory Academy: Origins

We are excited to get busy on this project. We don't have a set date for when the first chapter will be released, but we promise we're gonna get on it as fast as possible. You guys should be expecting it around late November to early December (if all goes well). Stay tuned on info for that. 

One last thing before we go: we have a little hint hidden somewhere in BPA that will give you a tiny bit of information on what the sequel is going to be like. Spies are trained to look for details and the smallest of hints, so we figured we'd let you guys figure something out. One of the final chapter titles will reveal where our main characters are going to visit in the sequel. Can you guys find it? Let us know your ideas. 

Okay, Lovelies, that's about all we got for you. If you want to stay tuned for updates on BPA then we suggest that you gives us a follow (if you're not already) and check our conversation board every now and then. We might drop little hints and excerpts here and there from the sequel (teeheehee). It has been a huge honor for both of us to write Briar Prep, and your love and support means the world to us. Ya'll are the best fanbase in the world, and we couldn't have done it without you. You're incredible, but for now, it's time to say goodbye to the students of BPA for a little while. They'll be back before you know it because, believe us when we say it, we miss them just as much as you do. But our stories never end, and neither will theirs. 

Until we meet again, 

Anna and Devon 

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