Part 5

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Demi again found herself in the same interrogation room, only this time her lawyer was beside her and Morgan sat across from her. The room was filled with tension as Morgan and demi glared at each other. She hated how he looked at her, like he knew her.

"Demi when was the last time you seen your husband?"

Demi looked over at braxton and he nodded in approval giving her permission to answer. Like they rehearsed in the car.

"About three days ago, I haven't seen him since he left for work that evening." She answered, wavering her voice a little just like braxton told her. She had to act the part too. Shed a tear or two she could do that.

Morgan shifted in his chair, his left leg over this right leaning back, "How would you describe your relationship with Mr. Valderrama?"

"It was great, like any other relationship we had our problems but the most part we loved each other." She wasn't completely lying their relationship was difficult but they did love each other and that's why demi stayed in it for so long.

"It's funny you say that, " Morgan chuckled, "These divorce documents say otherwise."

Demi stayed calm not missing a beat, "Like I said, we had our problems, but we loved each other and wanted to make it work for our baby that's going to be arriving soon."

For the first time since she'd met him, Morgan's face contorted to confusion, and she grinned in her mind. She had him just like braxton said she would.

"You're pregnant? When did you find this out?" He enquired writing something down in his notes.

"I've been getting morning sickness for weeks now. I thought it was a bug until I went to the pharmacy to get a test." She said.

"Is it your husband's baby?" He countered.

Demi was stunned, "What?"

"I will not repeat this question a third time Mrs. Valderrama is it your husband's baby?" He snapped.

"How dare you insinuate such accusations. I am and I was always faithful to my husband!" Demi was furious she never felt so disrespected in her life.

Demi grabbed her things, "This questioning is over I'm done."

Demi left without another word said and Morgan took note to everything. He had did his research on the twenty nine year old women and everything he read and heard about her wasn't good.

Between her mental breakdown nine years back and the abuse that was discovered in Megan's home back when she first got diagnosed with schizophrenia. He went deep in her files and spent all night reading each and every detail about Megan Lovato and her mother.

The more he read the more he got to see another side of Mrs Valderrama she was known for having anger problem's and emotional issues. He wondered if those exact issues would lead her to kill her husband.

He was piecing things together but he needed more information on their relationship. He had to somehow find a way to talk to wilmers friends and family.

Morgan gathered his things and plugged in the address of Wilmers mother Andrea. He arrived shorty after. she lived in a small house, it was comfortable and if he lived alone he would pick something like this also. He knocked twice and a older frail women appeared wearing a white dress.

"Who are you?" Her English wasn't the best but he understood what she said and quickly introduced himself, "I'm detective Morgan and I was hoping I could speak with you about your son. I'm so sorry for you lost."

Instead of answering she unlocked the door walking farther in her home. Morgan took that as her welcoming him in and quickly shuffled into the home. Following behind her.

"Would you like some tea?" She offered as she poured herself a cup.

"No ma'am I'm fine. Thank you." He declined politely as she pushed him to the tiny living room. He sat across from her in the recliner and gave her a couple moments to settle in before he bombarded her with questions.

"I wanted to ask you a few questions about your son and his marriage. If that's okay." He asked gently.

Wilmers mother looked at him blankly, "She's a bitch."

Her choice of words caught him off guard, startled him. He found it interesting that the first word that comes to the mother in law's head was bitch. And she said that very clearly.

"Do you mind elaborating? Why do you think Mrs. Valderrama is a, " He stopped himself urging her to continue which she did.

"I don't think she's a bitch I know she's one." She started mumbling something in Spanish that he couldn't understand, "She didn't deserve mi hijo."

"Why do you say that? Did she treat him unfairly? Was there suspected cheating?" Morgan was already scribbling everything down in his notebook.

"My son would always come to me complaining about her. She's cold, evil and her daughter is just like her!" She wailed fanning herself. "She used him, for his support and money since they've been married she stopped working stayed at home twenty four seven. But couldn't find the time to go out on a simple date with her husband."

He was absorbing all this new information like a sponge, everything was how he suspected it. The front demi was putting on was all an act her and Wilmer were struggling for some time now. Her life wasn't as perfect as she made it seem, at least her marriage life.

"He wanted to divorce her. But he was afraid." The women said suddenly.

Morgan leaned forward in his chair, "Afraid of what?"

"Of her, what she would do. Could do to herself and to him. She has the power to ruin him and his business he worked so hard to build and now it's all gone. He's gone and I can't get my son back because of that evil women!" She ranted.

"He tried to leave so many times but she would guilt him back and threaten to kill herself if he left her. He was trapped." She explained, "Can I ask you something?"

Morgan nodded, "Anything ma'am."

The older women stared at him intently before saying, "Take her down for me."

He gave her a puzzled look, "Why?"

"Because she killed my son. I know it."

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