Part 17

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Time seemed to stop atleast that's what it felt like to her. Two bullets pierced her body breaking the skin and lodging themselves into her spine. Demi's eyes rolled into the back of her head as the pain coursed through every limb. Red liquid pooled from her wound. An alarm sounded throughout the hospital. officers searched the perimeter locking everything down. Fiona knew that this was it, but she didn't care. As she watched Demi's heart monitor slowly stop beating her job was done and she realized she didn't care what happened to her after this.

She did what she came here to do.

"Drop the gun!" Someone shouted from behind her. A smirk sat on Fiona's face as she let the revolver fall to the floor with a thud. She looked on as nurses and doctors aided Demi's nearly lifeless body.

She was read her rights and escorted out of the hospital. On her way out of the building she came face to face with dianna. Who had tears in her eyes, a look of hatred and disgust emitted on her features. All she could do was laugh in her face, gloating over her victory.

"How could you do this? To your own flesh and blood."

Fiona eyes darkened, "Because the difference between me and you is, instead of letting my problems destroy me I go out and do something about it."

"She was your sister!" Dianna yelled.

"I don't have a sister." Fiona was pushed into the car and sent off. Dianna watching the car drive away. Wanting nothing more than to go after it and make her suffer.

Rushing into the hospital she frantically asked for assistance. Wanting nothing more than to find out if her daughter was still alive. Wanting desperately to be told everything was going to be okay.

Only as the reached the floor and saw the amount of blood, leaving a trail from Demi's room to the OR. She collapsed, no longer able to hold her own weight as she cried out, clutching her chest. Finding it harder to breath. The broken sobs that left her body sounded throughout the whole floor. Nurses rushed over to her, aiming to calm her down only her breathing labored more, she was panting and desperately calling out Demi's name.

Helping her to her feet two nurses guided her to an open chair. She refused the help, demanding to know details on Demi's condition. She couldn't utter that word. Until She knew for sure it was true. And soon enough the surgeon walked out the OR and into the waiting room with a solemn look on his face.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Mrs. Delegarza, we did everything we could. She didn't make it through the surgery."

Dianna gagged rushing towards the trash can relieving the contents of her stomach. "No!" She wheezes, "Demi! Baby, come back to me!"

She couldn't begin to understand the pain that shot through her chest. She just cried, screamed up at the heaven's asking why. That was her only questions why. Why was her daughter ripped from her in such a violent way. Why was she taken from her own daughter and family. Why did dianna have to bury another child. And how was she going to explain this to Megan.

Megan was now going to have to live the rest of her life without a mother. She was only left with the horrible memories of what led up to her murder. Now she was parent less. Dianna, with red swollen eyes requested to see Demi's body. Hours later she was sent down to the morgue. Her husband by her side as the mortician slowly lifted the sheet revealing Demi's pale face.

Dianna hand clasped her mouth as another sob escaped her lips. With trembling hands she placed her palm on the glass, leaning her forehead against it as she closed her eyes. Her body convulsing as another wave of sickness hit her.

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