Part 16

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Final chapter. Triggering warning: violence

Demi was in the hospital for quite some time, suicide watch was a bitch. Anything was better than that God awful prison she was in so this to her, was paradise. Her court hearing was days away and she was eager to get this trial started. She hated having her future in the balance, hanging over her head in almost a mocking way. Teasing and taunting her of the unknown.

She was greatful her mother had allowed her one phone conversation with Megan. Since she was only allowed minimum contract. Just hearing the sound of her daughter's voice  caused a spark of flames to erupt in her. Bringing her back to life. It was a feeling demi never thought she'd feel again, it was like she was being reborn. The light at the end of the tunnel, wasn't so dark anymore. It gave her hope.

As for her day in bed, demi frequently thought about her mother and what she confessed. She had a sister, siblings she'd never even knew about. It was hard to believe, that the person that was ruining her life was her family, her blood. She wished there was some way she could talk to her 'twin' only she knew that would be impossible. Fiona was smart she's outsmarted everyone this entire time. She wouldn't agree to come out of hiding to talk to demi. Knowing she'd been caught, Fiona wouldn't put her freedom at risk for demi, but she would for revenge. To end it once and for all.

The thing about Fiona was, she was power hungry. Blinded by rage and envy of demi. The mere aspect of dianna choosing demi over her boiled  blood and made her face flush the darkest shades of red. Fiona, over the years, found that the source of her problems, her pain, the cause of everything that happened in her life was Demi's fault. She had everything and Fiona was left with nothing. She wanted to take everything from her, she wanted to see her suffer, she wanted demi to completely lose herself and destroy herself from the inside out.

And as she watched this unfold, she thought she'd feel complete. When demi went to jail Fiona felt as if things were finally turning around for her. She had won and proved she was the better sister. Only, when she found out that demi had someone on the inside helping her. She seethed, she soon realized that prison wasn't enough, her sister made the best out of any situation and that angered her. She wondered why she had to be so perfect, why did people automatically love her and confide in her without even knowing the kind of person she is.

Fiona came to conclusion that there was only one way all this could end. A solution to her problems. Demi had to die, plain and simple. The mere thought of watching the life leave Demi's body. Sent jolts of electricity through her spine.  All she needed was a plan. And when news spread out demi was at a local hospital, undergoing treatment. The perfect opportunity rose for Fiona she had to take it. It being her only chance of getting what she wanted.

Actually it was a two for one. Because Fiona knew her actions would have repercussions. It would bring pain to the one person that she wanted to hurt the  most. Her mother. By hurting demi, Fiona knew that, it was the ultimate way of widening the hole dianna already felt in her heart.

Demi being a prisoner and all she had police patrolling the inside and outside of her room. She was heavily guarded, some how they knew. And she did to. It wasn't hard for her to get in, in fact you can obtain a fake nurses outfit at any Halloween store. Now all she needed was an ID. Which she stole from a nurse who had her back turned in the parking lot.

Her gun tucked protectively in her pants. She walked to the elevator, smiling and greetings other nurses and doctors on her way. She hit the button for the third floor and immediately made eye contact with a cop that was standing gaurd infront of the door. She painted a friendly smile on her face softening her features. She flashed him her Id which he merely nodded his head and stepped aside, letting her walk in.

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