Part 13

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"Mrs. Delagarza. We've found your granddaughter." In all her years of living dianna never thought one sentence could have such an impact on her life as it did just now. Megan was alive, that's all that matters. So many opportunities rose now that Megan was found alive, she could help them find out who did this and free demi.

That might have been a stretch but she couldn't help it. Megan was found and it was a miracle that she was alive, Anything could happen she was sure off it. Dianna decided not to tell anyone, not wanting to overwhelm Megan at the hospital she hurridly grabbed her purse and jogged to her car racing off to the hospital to see her granddaughter.

Dianna was stopped outside of the room by detective Morgan. Who pulled her over to the side away from the room where held her Megan who she hasn't seen in months. She had to see her with her own eyes. It was still hard for her to believe she was actually there.

"I want to see my granddaughter." Dianna snatched her arm out of His grip eyes narrowing. "You have done enough damage to this family and our reputation. Stay away from her, she's already gone through enough."

"If you haven't forgotten this is an open investigation. She's not only a victim, but a witness. Shes in are protective custody until we speak with her and find out where she's been."

"You have some nerve." Demi's mom spat, "You have my daughter arrested on false pretenses. Knowing damn well she didn't commit a crime and now you think you can tell me when I can't see my granddaughter? I don't know who you think you-"

"I think I'm the lead investigator in this case." Morgan interrupted hostility dripping from his voice. "And until we figure out what Megan knows we can't risk her safety again. The only way I will allow you to see her is if it's under supervision."

The finality in his voice left no room for arguing. All she could do was nod. Tired of fighting, she gave in, it was the best thing to do she had no power over it.

Morgan led her into the room where Megan sat, her face buried into the plate of food infront of her. Dianna stopped at the door letting her eyes drink it all in. She looked exactly the same only her hair was shorter and she had bruises all along her arms and legs. There wasn't an ounce of skin that didn't show some sign of discoloration or swelling.

"Grandma?" Megan looked up with fearful eyes, tears brimming at the edge of her eyelids. As she tilted her head to the side, like she was expecting to see someone else. "Where's my mom?"

Dianna expected this, "Honey your mom-"

"No! I want my mom!" Megan screamed, trashing around in the bed, trying to break free of the restraints. "I have to tell her something I need demi!"

"Sweetheart I can give her the message." Dianna reasoned hoping that will calm her down only it didn't. It made her become more aggressive, she was kicking and screaming yelling for her mom.

A doctor had to come in and sedate her, because she was at risk for breaking even more of her ribs if she kept it up. Once she was asleep everyone left her alone the only other person in the room was Morgan who had a perplexed look on his face. As he stared down at the girl who was now snugged in to Dianna's shoulder as she threaded her fingers through her damp hair.

"She needs her more now than ever." Dianna said, looking up at Morgan. "You need to get my daughter out of that prison. She didn't do it and her daughter needs her. She's not going to talk to anyone unless she's here."

Morgan sighed, slumping into one of the chairs by Megan's bedside. Contemplating on his next move. He couldn't just set demi free, she was still their top suspect, she had concrete evidence against her. No judge would agree to let her out on bail. There only hope was for Him to interrogate Megan and find out where shes been and who took her. If they got just a little bit of information in Demi's favor she could be out on bail.

"The justice system doesn't work like that. We dont just let people go because we found new information."

"New information? This was a missing persons investigation and now she's back. You have been so focused on convicting my daughter you lost focus on what you were supposed to be doing and that was finding Megan."  Dianna untangled herself from Megan. "And now she's back and y'all are sitting around on your asses instead of going out there and looking for whoever did this!"

"I'm a detective Mrs. Delagarza, my job is to find evidence to eventually prosecute a perpetrator. Which in this case all points to your daughter, explain to me how her DNA was all over the place when she claimed to be grocery shopping? Her husband feared for his life because your daughter threatened him. You don't know how deep this case actually is." Morgan finished.

Megan was now awake and staring at Morgan thoughtfully, she looked between the two having heard everything. Her mother was in jail. She had to say something this is what her kidnapper, Fiona wants. Her plan was working and Megan was afraid of the repercussions if she told.

"You have to release demi, she's in danger." Megan eyes bored directly into detective Morgan's.

"How do I know you aren't saying this just to see your mother?" He questioned.

Megan face showed signs of anger. "Because the lady who took me is Demi's unstable, psychotic, twin sister! She wants demi to  be charged with wilmers murder and my kidnapping so she can get life! She has people inside that are going to kill her you have to save my mom."

She was now breathing heavily, furiously wiping at the endless tears that poured down her face. Morgan looked flushed and pale as he shared an equally shocked look. "Your mother has a twin?"

"That's impossible." Dianna whispered hoarsely.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Morgan yelled, trying to wrap his head around it.

Dianna suddenly feeling her legs swept beneath her stumbled over to the bed. She was gasping for air, finding it harder for her to breathe as the seconds passed, her face was turning pale, sweat protruded down her face as she shook.

Despite how angry and frustrated Morgan was with this whole situation, he put a comforting hand on her back urging her to breathe.

"Why isn't Demi's twin in our system or any one for that matter, she's a ghost." Morgan was pacing around the room.

"They told us she was dead."

Morgan scoffed not believing it, "Clearly she's not dead, Dianna I'm really trying to help your family here. You have not been completely honest with me, if you don't tell me everything you know about this twin sister I'll have you arrested for withholding key information in this investigation."

"I swear I don't know. Ive told you everything!" She cried, "I was pregnant with twins and the hospital told me the other baby didn't survive."

"Did you see the body?"

Dianna thought for a moment, then nodded, "Yes! I even held him in my arms before he was taken away. If you don't believe me go to paramount cemetery. I buried the baby there."

"You keep saying he." Morgan noted, "It was a boy?"

In a matter of seconds Morgan called the department and had them pull up Dianna's reported sons death certificate. He scanned the digital copies three and four times trying to find something that didn't belong.

"Wait, the autopsy report for your son says he died of a heart defect. Which is strange because there were no lab reports during your third trimester to confirm this. And i assume the doctor would have told you how sick your baby was. Your gyn wrote down both babies were healthy." Morgan skimmed through the documents.

"Why would they do that?" Megan questioned, genuinely curious.

"Because," Morgan said looking up at dianna with wide eyes. "The child you buried was not your son."


Happy football Sunday!

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