Part 9

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"I can't believe I just did that." Dallas panted, fastening her seat belt. She retrieved the gun without setting off any alarms. "I'm never doing that again demi so don't ask me."

Demi checked the gun making sure it was loaded which it was. "Dont plan on it."

It was now morning, The sun was creeping up over the horizon. Which only resulted to demi stepping down on the petal harder, her car surpassing the residential speed. She was on her way to the hotel where Wilmer was staying right before he was killed.

Pulling up to the roadside in demi tucked her gun in her pants turning to face a stunned looking dallas. "Stay here, if u see anything call me."

She pulled her baseball cap over her head fixing her sunglasses. As she smoothy edged across the parking lot and to the check in building. No one was at the front desk and demi took the time to let her eyes roam over the plane room. Nothing really stook out to her. Which only made her wonder, why her late husband picked this place out of all the others. What was it significance? Something brought him here.

"Yo lady." A voice called breaking demi out of her thoughts. "You checking in or not?"

Demi turned around facing the young brunette who rudely interrupted her train of thought, and just at the sight of her makeup caked face and skimpy clothes that left everything for show her eyes narrowed.

"You work here?" Demi asked, failing to hide the disgust in her voice.

"What do you think?" The women countered. "Do I work here?"

Demi took a threatening step towards the desk her eyes glaring holes into the women. "I don't have time for your games. Have you seen this man?"

She held up a fairly recent picture of Wilmer. It was the day he had an interview for fitness magazine. Demi remembered that day thoroughly Because it was the day Wilmer surprised her with an early anniversary present. A gold neckless that has their initials engraved in it.

"He's a fine one." The women licked her lips seductively. "How could I forget his handsome face. He tipped large and was nice to look at."

Demi's jaw clenched at the revelation, "So he was here." She pushed wanting to confirm.

"Yes." She chided, "Not too long ago what are you, his wife?"

Demi tucked the photo back in her pocket, "That's none of your concern. Can I see his registration? And the room he was staying in?"

"Nope." The women obnoxiously popped her gum.

"Why not?" Demi demanded losing the little patience she had.

"Because," The Women said in a duh tone. "It's confidential."

"Listen here -" demi began to say.

"The police confiscated everything." She interrupted, "So even if I did have what you were looking for I wouldn't give it to you."

Demi closed her eyes taking deep, calming breaths, she was two seconds away from hopping over the granite counter and beating the women to a pulp. "Can you atleast tell me if you seen anything suspicious while he was here? Like strange visitors?"

When she didn't get an answer and instead was greeted with a blank stare. Demi sighed heading for the door when a voice stopped her. "Hey! If it helps there was this one weird guy who wanted to check into the room next to your friends. He wouldn't take no for an answer and when I asked him why he specifically needed that room he got all defensive and threatened to call my boss and have me fired."

Demi turned on her heel staring wide eyed, "Do you have a name? A description of what he looked like?"

The women thought for a moment. "Tall, dirty brown hair. He was wearing faded denim jeans and a bleach stained blue T. That's all I can give you he didn't go by a name. And i doubt the name he gave me was his real one."

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