Sick (Mithzan X Reader)

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(Y/n) = your name
In this, you are an editor for Sky Media and Max is only a friend. It probably will blossom by the end of this though.
Let's get started!

You sat at your station next to Max as you tried to edit one of Ross' videos. Key word being tried. You were sick at the moment. Constantly coughing and never without a headache. Aches and pains filled your body. The sinus pressure near your eyes. But you wouldn't let some flu beat you. Besides, you were past the 24 hour mark of it being contagious.

"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay?" Max asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I'm fine Max." You shrugged off his hand and continued to work.

"You're going to get worse." Max sounded concerned. You turned to face Max.

"I'm better than I was yesterday, I'm just coughing a lot." You started coughing, so you leaned away from everyone to cough.

"Finish up that video, I'm going to talk to Adam." Max sighed. He got up and left the editing area. You were almost finished anyway. You made a few last-minute adjustment's and finished the video.

"(Y/n)." Adam said coming up behind you.

"Yeah?" You asked as you turned around. Both Max and Adam were standing there.

"You are clearly very sick. Please go home and rest. Max volunteered to help you out, okay." Adam said. He sounded concerned.

"Fine." You sighed stubbornly. You continued to cough as Max helped you out to your car.

*time skip bought to you by: K.P*

You slowly walked into the appartment. Max brought you to his place because your room mate was out and also had the only key as yours was broken.

"Go lie on the couch, I'll warm up some soup." Max said softly. You nodded and shambeled over to the couch. You were feeling much worse than you were at the office.

"Hey K.P. how ya' doin' kitty?" You asked Ross' cat. She was a nice cat, but very strange. She was currently staring at the TV while sitting on the coffee table.

As you laid on the couch, you heard a loud clatter come from the kitchen. K.P. ran off after being startled.

"You okay?" You called.

"Yeah, just dropped a pot, s'all good." Max called back. After a few minuets, max came out with a bowl of soup. Sure it was caned soup and not home made, but it's the thought that counts.

"Thank you Max." You sniffed. You sat up and he handed you the soup and then sat next to you.

"It's no problem. You wanna watch Netflix or something?" He asked.

"Ehhhhh sure. Put on whatever." You continued to eat your soup. You still felt like shit, but it helped a bit.

You quickly moved the half empty bowl of soup away from you, turned your head and sneezed. It was a soft sneeze, but it happened multiple times. "I need a tissue." You sniffed.

"That was an adorable sneeze." Max said as he handed you the tissue.

"I may be sick, but I can still beat yo ass." You glared playfully at Max, he just smiled. You continued to eat your soup, feeling more sleepy by the second.

You fell asleep while still holding the soup and spoon in two separate hands. Max looked over when he heard the snoring and tried not to laugh. You were in the phase of about to consume the soup, but it was like you had been paused.

He took a photo before removing the utilities from your hands and bringing them to the kitchen. Once he came back to the living room, he laid you on the couch, covered you in a blanket and sat in a chair.

*two day time skip brought to you by: A Day in the Life of Max*

"Sorry I got you sick, Max... I thought it wouldn't be contagious ater the first 24 hours..." You laughed sheepishly. Both you and Max were sick and Ross was offering to help you both.

"Nah, it's going around. You never got me sick, I just caught it." Max shrugged.

You two sat in silence as Ross brought out some soup. "Yo, I have to head to the store, we're out of tissues again. Will you two be okay while I'm out?" Ross asked. Tim-Tim still had to work so he wasn't home.

"Ross, we're in our 20's." You said, unimpressed.

"Alright. I'll be back in, like, ten minuets." Ross grabbed his coat and left the appartment.

"How long until he realizes he forgot his wallet?" You asked as you nodded your head to the wallet on the table.

"Three, two, no-"

"I forgot my wallet." Rass said coming back though the door. He grabbed his wallet and left again.

You and Max made small talk while you ate your soup. After you had finished your soup, it was quite between you two.

"Uh, Max?" You asked after about a minute of silence.

"Yeah?" He replied.

You started getting nervous and fiddled with your hands. "C-can I t-tell you someth-thing?" You stuttered.

"You never stutter, what's up?" Max asked concerned.

"I-I r-really l-like y-y-you." You admitted. You were blushing a lot. You weren't someone to hide from your feelings, but you were nervous about his reaction.

You felt arms wrap around you and a gentle kiss was placed on the top of your head. It was a sweet moment... Until you started coughing violently and had to lean over in order to catch your breath.

Once you finished your fit, you looked at Max and chuckled softly. "Well, that moment was ruined." Max joked.

"I have the thing!" Ross shouted as he ran through the door.

"Not so loud." You whined. Max pat your head and started scratcing you behind your ear, causing you to become sleepy and fall asleep once again.

I'm not really used to writing about real people, so bare with me while I get uaed to it. It'll take a few one shots, but I will get better.

Anyway, if you have a request, leave it on the first part and I'll try to get around to it. Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful life. I'll see you all in the next chapter! ~Sappy~

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