Hangout (Captain Sparklez X Reader)

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(Y/n) = your name
In this; you, Jordan, Sonja, Tucker, and Tom will be out as friends at a club because Tom is visiting L.A. for a while. I will be making you like the song Dear Future Husband by Megan Trainer. The reason for this will be revealed later in the one shot (also I was listening to the song on the radio and had a good idea for it).
This was requested by the awesome TheCatsTurntable
Anyway, let's get started!

"(Y/n) can you go in and get your boyfriend." Tom asked in a teasing manor, Sonja and Tucker chuckled. You, Sonja, Tucker and Jordan were going out to a club while Tom was in town.

"One: he isnt my boyfriend. Two: are you fricken five?" You asked as you got out of the car.

"You are way to obvious!" Tom called as you walked to Jordan's house.

You took out your phone as you got to the door and called him. After the third ring he picked up. "Hello?" He asked.

"Jordan. How much longer you gonna be?" You asked "Sonja, Tucker, Tom and I have been waiting for five minutes."

"I just need to find my coat and I'll be out. See you in a min." Jordan hung up his phone. After a couple more minutes, Jordan opened his door. He was wearing a nice shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, and a blazer. You tried not to blush at how nice he looked.

"You look nice." You told him.

"Yeah, you too." He said awkwardly.

"C'mon, the others are waiting." You pulled Jordan over to Tucker's car. He greated the other three happily and sat in the back seat with you and Tom.

After ten minutes of friendly banter, you all finally arrivwd at the club. It wasn't an expencive club, but it also wasn't a cheep club.

You all got your drink, and you being the designated driver, got a soft drink. After talking for a while, you, Tom and Sonja decided to do a little dancing. It was fun, espically with Tom failing miserably to nay-nay when he should have whipped. (Never thought I'd say that as a sentence.)

The song Dear Future Husband by Megan Trainer started playing and you smiled. You quickly ran over to get Jordan. "Come and dance with me."

"No I'm fine." Jordan smiled.

"Please? C'mon it'll be fun!" You said, pulling on his sleeve.

"Alright." Jordan sighed with a smile on his face. You happily dragged him over and started dancing with him.

You sang along with the song while dancing. You danced almost as if you were in a music video for some sort of salsa dance and Jordan flailed around trying to keep us with you.

By the final lyric of the song, you were face to face with Jordan, panting heavily. He basically held you in his arms, thought there was a small distance between your bodies

"Just kiss already!" Tom shouted, pushing you two closer together. You started blushing, and - to your surprise - so did Jordan.

"Is Tom trying to get us together?" Jordan asked, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Just shut up and kiss me." You mumbled. Though you never though he heard you.

You never expected Jordan to actually kiss you, even though it was breif. "I like you." Jordan said.

"I wouldn't have guessed." You joked.

Sorry I haven't been updating recently, it's exam time and I haven't had any ideas or requests.

Anyway, I hope you all liked this. Leave a request on the request page if you want me to write something. Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful life, I'll see you all in the next part! ~Sappy~

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