Music (NateWantsToBattle X Reader)

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(Y/n) = your name
In this, Nate will be having writers block for a song about Steven Universe (I donno, I needed a subject and he likes SU)
Let's get started!

You were making lunch for yourself and Nate. He was trying to write a new song and was pretty busy.

"Dammit!" Nate shouted from the other room. He startled you and almost made you drop the knife you were holding. You cut the sandwitches in half and walked to Nate.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you handed him the sandwitch. He angrly took a bite from it before setting it on the table.

"I can't think of lyrics for my new song about Steven Universe. I have the music and what type of song I want it to be, but I can't think of lyrics." He sighed. You took a bite of your sandwitch and looked to see what he had written.

"For You... I might be able to help if I heard the music you had planned." You suggested.

"Yeah... Yeah, that could help!" He said happily. He got up and went to grab his acoustic guitar. You loved hearing his music.

He came back out and started playing. It was a happy song. Once he finished the song he sat next to you. "Any ideas?" He asked.

"How about 'for you, you know there's nothing I wouldn't do, just to be there next to you.' For the opening or chorus." You suggested.

"That's good... We need more that I can work from." He wrote down the lyrics into the sheet music.

"I would fight a war for you, I would give my life for you, just to see your smile one more time." You sang. Taking a bite from your sandwich, you said "The lyrics don't have to be exactly that, they could stand to be changed."

"We can work from there." Nate smiled. You kept helping him write some lyrics for the song. Some got scrapped, others were moved, but in the end, you had a good song.

"We should try this out. I'll play guitar and you sing." Nate smiled at you. You nodded in agreement.

*two week time skip brought to you by: the fact that I can't write music, only sing*

"Hey, check it out!" Nate called to you. He had released "For You" last night.

"What's up?" You asked. You walked into Nate's office.

"For You is doing great! People love it! They love your singing too!" You and Nate did some harmonizing on the chorus. You also sang some parts in the song yourself.

"That's great! I'm glad people like it." You smiled.

"You wanna know something?" Nate asked. He closed the tab and opened twitter.

"What?" You asked. He pointed the the screen, he had tweeted out "Shout out to (Y/n) for helping me write most of the lyrics. Love ya!"

"I love you too, you big goof." You smiled at him. You gave him a quick peck on the lips before heading out of the room so he could record.

I know it's not obvious until the end, but you and Nate are dating in this.

This was requested by Lilli673

Leave some requests on the request page. Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful life! I'll see you all in the next chapter! ~Sappy~

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