Lucky (Mithzan X Reader)

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(Y/n) = your name
(B/n) = bully name/ random female name
In which Max make someone stop bullying you in school.
You are in Highschool with this by the way.
Let's get started!

You, Max and all the other students filed into your biology class. You and Max usually sat next to each other in any class you had together, he was the only person you trusted besides Ross.

In biology, Max had to sit in a different row than you. You didn't like assigned seating because the teachers usually sat you near the people who bullied you.

Max promised to keep his eye on you when you were placed in front of (B/n) at the beginning of the year. You copied notes from the board while listening to your teacher.

Max kept looking at (B/n) from the corner of his eye. She was being more shifty than usual, constantly checking her pencil case and looking at her watch.
The teacher asked for everyone to take out their scissors while he handed out some work sheets. (B/n) smiled just a little too widely for Max's liking.

The teacher sat back behind his desk and started writing something down, ignoring the class. Max started his work but kept an eye on you and (B/n).

He saw something he didn't like. (B/n) was bringing her open scissors closer to you. Max grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Drop. The. Scissors." He groweled. She was going to fight back, but the look in Max's eye's warned her not to.

Max let go of her arm and got back to work. Knowing he was still looking at you through the corner of his eyes, you decided to quickly pass him a note.

"What was that about?" You wrote it on scrap paper. You passed the note without the teacher seeing. Max handed back his responce. "I'll tell you at lunch."

*time skip to the last 10 minutes of class brought to you by: watching a series for the third time*

Max had gotten destracted by the teacher calling him to his desk. You were left alone to fend for yourself against (B/n). Something happened that surprised you.

"(B/n) can you come here." Your teacher asked. You heard the tinking of scissors behind you. She purposefully bumped into your desk, making you almot cut your hand.

You heard your teacher talking to both (B/n) and Max. (B/n) went back to her seat, grabbed her stuff, and left her room. Max sat where (B/n) would usually sit and moved all his stuff.

"What was that about?" You asked again.
"(B/n). She tried to cut you with her scissors but I stopped her. Mr. Abbott called me up to ask me about a project, so I told him what happened." Max whispered back.

"Okay class, pack away your stuff. Have the last five minutes to yourselves." Mr. Abbott adressed the class.

You turned to Max. "She... She tried to physically harm me? Again?" You asked.

Max nodded sadly. "I'm here to protect you, I always am. Listen, once lunch starts, we'll go somewhere, just you and me. Ross'll understand, you need someone to talk to. Besides, Ross can hang out with some of out other friends."
"Yeah, okay. Thank you, Max. I'm lucky I met you." You smiled weekly. Max knew you had poor self esteem and that you sometimes needed to cry over the smallest things, but he knew how to help you through that. He would build up your self esteem more, make you stronger.

Max was helping you change for the better. You welcomed that change. You were lucky to know such an amazing person.

I know it's short and I've been working on it for a while, but I've been really sick recently. Please leave some requests on the request page that I can work on over the long weeked at my cabin. That is the only reason this is being released early.

I hope you all enjoyed. Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful life, I'll see you all jn the next part! ~Sappy~

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