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As I run up the stairs in my pjs I put on in the middle of the night I smell pie homey smell. Dean was digging into the pie. Sam on his laptop and Bobby at the stove. A small knock came from the door. Bobby walked over. "Jessie" Bobby says in surprise. The girl had long blonde hair braided down her back Bobby was not really someone you would call friendly but he can be nice.

Jessie had big blue eyes As she stepped in she sat at the table.
I was sitting beside Dean  eating pie .

"Hey boy." She said looking at Sam me and dad were fighting over pie.

Sam walked over to her and knelled down by her chair.

"Hay girl." Sam said his fingers tracing the cuts and bruises on her face. Her face had a cut right under her eyes a bruise one her fore head and chin Sam and the girl stared eye to eye.

    "lets get you fixed up."Sam and the girl stood up the girl wrapped her arm around Sam's neck but Sam lifted her up off her feet and carried her up stairs.


After breakfast I was happy I had just beaten Dean at rock paper scissors for the last slice of pie Dean decided to train me at hand to hand combat so we went outside and Dean ran up to me and he was in a fighting pose

"Stand like this," his right foot was in front his left in back spaced out his hand one by his side the other in front of him
I did the same.

"Move like me." Dean punched his left fist I continued to copy then Dean stepped forward and all afternoon we continued training moves .

"Let's do real combat."I said looking at Dean. Jessie walks outside with Sam

"I'll do combat with you,"she said in a southern accent.
She posed with her legs spaced out I did the same but I punched one fist and the fight began, she punched with her right fist I grabbed in pinning her to the ground I hear my dad and Sam talking.

"Can Cass heal them."
"He said he would ."
"When should he get here,"
Casitel appears
"If the damage each other I'll heal them."

I continued to fight Jessie was still floored she grabbed my right fist and pulled me on my stomach . "you better no be going easy on me,"I say as I roll over and sweep her she is on the ground and I crawl over she slaps me in the face. I punch her jaw.
" game over !!!!"dean shouts
Me and Jessie get up and begin laughing "we suck." We walk in side.

A few hours later

Me and Jess (Jessie) and sitting in my room playing truth or dare
"Truth or dare?" I ask as she braids my hair.
"Truth." She says as she ties up my hair.
"Have you ever kissed a boy?"
"Yes and it was Sam."
"Have you?" She asks as I walk up to a small mirror I have
"" I say turning around.

My phone goes off with the ring tone I personalized

I wanna be an billionaire so freaking bad buy all the things I never had uh, I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine.

I picked up the phone Sam and Dean gave me.
"Hello?." I ask with curiosity in my voice
"Well girly ."
"Who is this"I ask in panic I grabbed my phone and run upstairs Turing the phone on speaker. Jess followed behind me.
"Well princess you don't know my voice how sad."
"Crowley?" Dean says.
"Now I known who that is ."
The phone went dead then a message appeared I'm coming sweet cheeks.
Dean looked to me with panic in his eyes.
"Stay in the safe room."I run in to the room


Dean p.o.v

I sent Ash to the Safe room
"Bobby go lock her in."


Bobby didn't hesitate he walked down the stairs. Before he closed the door he walked in Ash ran up to him and began to cry .
"Do... Don't TT....tell my....Dad bobby." I looked to see him crying too "I'm scared"
I turned away not looking back all I heard was the clicking sounds of the metal iron doors closing. I sat on the bed sobbing I pulled out my iPod and earbuds I but on Pandora maroon 5 radio
I was skipping thru songs and decided on
Glad you came
The sun goes down the stars come out and all that counts is here and now my universe will never be the same I'm glad you came.
I began to sing along swaying back and fourth. "You cast a spell on me, spell on me you hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me and I decided you look well on me , well on me so let's go somewhere no one els can see, you and me.turn the lights out now now I'll take you by the hand hand you another drink drink it if you can."


Dean P.O.V

Bobby came back up and grabbed a beer.
Then ten demons barged in "give us the girl."
Three got trapped in a devil trap
Sam and bobby had their guns out I had mine out also Jessie had hers upstairs and I saw Rufus sneek in to the kitchen. I looked at them "search!!" One shouted I know bobby has a key to the safe room. Jessie fired the bullets and took three down four left not including the ones in the devil trap. I shot two bullets then sam shot the ones in the devils trap bobby got the last two.
"You didn't let me have any fun." Rufus said walking out of the kitchen.
Jessie walked down stairs bobby handed her the key and she walked down the steps .


I heard gun shots I covers my ears and after what felt like an hour I heard the door click I stayed hunched over heard footsteps Jessie shook me and I stared up at her I checkers the time midnight we went to walk out Jessie was heading up the stairs
"I can't leave the room . "
Jessie looked at me weird
"Boys!" She yelled with her southern accent. All three ran down the steps even Cass appeared. "Why can't I leave the room."
Dean sprayed me in holy water.
Sam had a gun pointed to me Rufus walked down the stairs. Jess held on the railing Rufus behind her bobby in at the end of the stairs Sam in front of the door Dean beside him.
" Ashley Your a demon."


Authors note

Duh duh dunnnnn

How's that for an ending

- EʍíӀվ ςɑԵ

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