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When I woke I was in my bed,my bed not the one in bobby's house no the bed I left so many years ago. My old house. What happed I slowly got up out of bed and looked at my self in my mirror my brown hair was braided down my back I ran my Hand through the soft braid no bags under my eyes I was wearing the silky black dress I was in my worst nightmare.

Dean and my mom were demons,Bobby was dead,Sam had committed suicide .

What happed all I remember is walking up stairs to give Jay dinner. I slowly began to walk around. My fingers traced my blue bedroom wallpaper. Then next thing I hear is the cock of a gun.

"Baby girl don't be scared." The voice was my moms but it wasn't hers I ran to my bay window opens the window crawled out I heard a gun shot I looked through the window to see Jay bloody and dead heading towards me .

How to get out when I fight back I wake up this is different what if I kill my self .

I looked back in the room jay was gone I went into my room opened my bedside table drawer and pulled out my Angle blade and stabbed me in the chest.

I woke up my dream was repeating I really thought killing my self would work I opened the window crawled out and sat there. It must of been three hours of watching Sam kill himself Bobby die and demons go into Mom and Dean.

Then I heard a voice it was soft calm."baby girl." It was Dean the real Dean. I jumped in to the room.

"How do we get out." My voice was shaky

"Let them come."

Next thing I saw was DEMONS appear and rip us a apart.



Me and ash both woke at the same time she hugged me then pulled back her heart monitor was saying her heart beat went faster all I saw was a group of nurses push her bed away.

Sam saw my face . after we found ash with a blue hand print on her shoulder about to be dragged out of her room by a JINN I rushed her to the hospital. Sam had me drink a special fruit and he punched me I went unconscious and went to rescue ash she has been out for a week.


Ashley POV

When I woke every thing was blurry i was in a hospital the window clearly showed it was night. Dean was asleep in a chair beside me I looked at the end of my bed.

"Cass." My voice was steady.

"Your awake." He was there.

"How long has it been." I asked

"A week. It was a jinn but after you woke you had a heart attack." His voice was steadier than mine

"A week?" I said it like a question I turned my head to see Deans hand on mine which doesn't have feeling yet."what's real?" I asked.

"Its was hiding out in Jessies room you were carrying food up to her." His serious tone ment it was true.

"Dean,Dean,Dean" I whispers his name then I tight end my hand around his.

"Your awake!" His voice was happy.

I nodded yes.

He smiled.and whispers "a week you have been out for a total is a week" I see his face and realize that the morphine is slowly taking me into sleepy oblivion.

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