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Me and Sam have tracked down ash.

We see her stab a man in the heart she has been killing people all week.

"I'll do it." I say holding a gun that has a demon sign on it I'll shoot her in the leg then we'll get the demon out of despite what Crowley says.

"You sure I'll do it." Farra said.

"You're an angel shouldn't you want to protect her." Sam asked

"Not all the time." Farra says twirling her hair.

We all hide behind a fence as she sticks a blade through a little girls heart. The red haired girl layer there motion less.

I aimed my gun I closed my eyes as I pressed the trigger.

When I re-opened my eyes Farra was holding ash.

Sam walked over and carried her.

"Let me go." We all hear her screams we pretend we don't we tie her up before setting her in the car. We dive back to the safe house set her in a demon trap.

   She is now tied to a chair I begin to panic as I stare into her dark black eyes.

I continue to look into her eyes I think I see a small version of her pounding on a glass door in her pupil that's a when I realize she is trapped by herself...


Ahhhh cliff hanger... That measures you need to edit a week till an update enjoy.

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