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            Eleanor and Crowley stand in the middle of Ashes room.

Sam and Jay are holding each other in a corner.

Im standing by her bed.

    Then the window breaks. Every one looks ahead at the smashed pices of glass on the ground. Then a woman appears straight black hair a round face a smile thats looked uneasy.

Then we see her angel wings on the wall.

"Im Ashleys guardian Angel. Im the one who pulled her from the death. Castiel said he did but."

She stood beside me put her hand on my daughters shoulder.

"The hand fits."

She placed to fingers on  Ashleys head. A bright light shone.

"Take the breathing mask off."

She walked up to Crowley.

  "Farra the reblious Angel." Crowley. Announced.

She wore a blue t shirt and jeans.

"Eleanor leave." Farra said.

Eleanor dissappear.

Ashes eyes opened. My hand was wrapped around hers.

   "Crowley Why have you came." Farra asked.

   "To deal with my sister. I have eyes on Ash we want her to be good." Crowley said before he disappeared.

Ash sat up.

"Im not worth saving." Ash said looking into my eyes.

"Yes you are your powers are deep inside you bet you have them you can shine." Farra said.

Ash got out of bed she was wearing the black dress.

      "Why would anyone think i was worth saving your an angel of the lord so was my mom and my uncle Cass so give me one normal reason why i get saved why would god choose me. Im a freak okay that's the  truth thats what i was thats who i am who i always will be. Why would some one pick me!"

Ash was bare foot. And the black dress was steady.

"Ok you asked for a normal reason.......your story wasnt told."

    "What." Ash asked.

" You have a story it has not been told yet."

Ash looked like a girl who got candy taken from her.

"Mom always said that." Ash smiled.

"She told me to say it."
Farra added.

Tears spilled down ashes face.

Farra stuck out her hand.

Ash took the hand and they were gone.


       White wrapped around us
Bright light surrounded us.

I opened my eyes we were in a white room. All white a besld wall floor all white.

"This is your room." Farra said.

I looked around.

"Its not much." I said.

I looked down and looked at the dress.

"Whats with this dress."

I asked.

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