I've got a little problem, honey! - Part I

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When things suddenly change, you better start worrying that something's coming soon.

Like he's following a monotone script, Rob, also that morning, is on his way to the ice palace. His dull expression suggests that he just faced Jack's new intolerable monologue.

"Every day is getting worse! I'm not sure I'll be able to bear him forever! How about you, Brixi?" the man asks like he needed to vent to someone. The cat is leaning over his bag, letting the man carry him around. "Are you asking me? Every day I meet him, my fur gets fuzzy!" he thinks to himself, being in a very bad mood.

"Sometimes I wish my life would get a radical change..." Rob confesses while taking his cap off and entering through the sliding doors of "The Queen of Hearts". The man approaches to the counter which is still not attended by customers because of the early hour. Tress is not behind it, though.

"Good morning Tress" Rob greets, putting down the bag, along with Brixi, on the floor.

The woman peeps out from behind the counter. "Oh, good morning Rob, Here I come!"

"I was cleaning the mini fridge" she explains "I'm preparing your tea, immediately!"

"Great! Don't worry, I'm not in hurry! Even if I had some.. emh... hitches, I have time for a chat!" Rob reassures her, getting back to his usual cheering behavior.

The woman agrees turning her back on him. She suddenly gets serious and looks at him out of the corner of her eye.

The man, not realizing it, starts chatting.

"Brixi looks always tired! I wish I could sleep as much as he does!"

"Because you don't know what hour I came back home last night, stupid human!" Brixi thinks to himself while bursting into a wide-open-mouth yawn.

"Here we go" the woman puts the cup with the hot drink on the counter, then leans over holding her chin on her hand.

Rob takes his tea, looking at her kind of worried. She, for her parts, doesn't say a word and keeps deeply looking at him.

"Emh... something's wrong?" he surrenders and asks, at last.

"No-no! Don't mind me..." she replies with stone face, keeping observing him.

The man, almost surprised, finishes his hot tea and returns the cup to its delicate plate

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The man, almost surprised, finishes his hot tea and returns the cup to its delicate plate.

"Well I really gotta go, now! Have a nice day!" he concludes, taking back the sporting bag and awakening Brixi who had just fallen asleep a moment ago.

"Bye bye, Rob!" she replies, moving her thin fingers quickly.

As the sliding door closes behind the man, Tress starts contemplating. She grabs a notepad and a pen from under the counter and sneakily looking at the spot Rob was sitting, writes: "Day 3. Today Rob has drank only one cup of tea, like he did for the last 2 days. I think he starts suspecting something. But I must go on observing him, to confirm my theories..."

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