Chap. VI - Snow! - part. II

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Fortunately the man found a shelter in Tress's bar, place where – he knew – Jack would never follow him.

Rob stopped a moment to take breath, after he crossed the sliding doors. "Rob, is everything alright?" Tress asks her friend, seeing his behavior. "Yes, now yes!" the man collects himself and reaches the counter.

"It seems that you have met a monster!"

"I met something even worse, but now it has passed... A cup of tea, please!" he explains taking off his cap and putting it over the marble of the counter.

"Ok, by the way, how is your nervous problem going?" she asks while taking the pot to boil the water.

"Not much better, but believe me: it's NOT the tea the cause of them! I had a terrible night and this morning Jack filled my head with a load of foolish gossips!"

"Mhhh... Maybe I should dress totally in white, so I can camouflage among the snow..." the man ponders, while a boiling noise raises near him "yeah... but when the snow will have gone, I'll be in trouble again..."

Tress is standing in front of him, blushing, holding the cup of tea with both hands. Her own elevated body temperature made the tea inside the cup boiling hot. She sets the cup on the counter, while Rob doesn't realize at all what happened, still lost in his thoughts. "I should buy a mimetic suite, maybe..."

"If he only would spend his speaking skills for dating you

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"If he only would spend his speaking skills for dating you..." he observes at last, puffing on his tea.

A sharp whistle resonates in the air, Rob just has the time to realize what he just said, before the skinny hand of Tress would slap over his shoulders. «NO!!!» he thinks with all his strength, preparing to receive the powerful blow. But nothing happens. The man carefully opens an eye looking toward Tress, she is standing still, with her hand raised up, and a confused expression painted on her face.

"Uh? What happened?" she asks not understanding. "I dunno, maybe a miracle..." he answer, not understanding as well.

«I can't believe it...» Rob says to himself leaving the bar «It's almost 10 years that we go on with this performance, but today she stopped... without any reason... I almost miss my good old daily slap!»

"I wonder where is Brixi..." he sighs going to the training.

"Sebastian is ill? This makes the situation more troubling!" Brixi exclaims as soon as the news reaches him "But first we must clarify this weird situation. Michelle?"

"I dunno what to say, Brixi..." the blue eyed cat justifies "When I woke up this morning, Shangelina was with me, I thought that everything was just a bad dream and I went back to sleep..."


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