Sleeplessness - part III

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The night peeks soon over the little town, Rob is sitting at the kitchen table with the sight lost in vacuum, he's having a cup of hot tea to relief himself from the hard day, but it doesn't seem to work: his mood and aspect are still awful, and the blue livid under his right eye complete the picture of his actual state of mind.

Brixi enters from the window that the man left half-opened for him.

"Honey, I'm home!" the cat teases him, imitating his usual phrase when he comes back there.

"Very funny, Brixi!" he replies, without turning to him.

"Come on, human! Is that the mood to go out for a chase?" the cat spurs him, after he jumped over the table.

"Well... oh, the phone!" Rob stands up to get the call, suspending the discussion.

"Be quick!" Brixi orders annoyed.

"Yes, your impatienceness!" he sarcastically replies. "Hello?"

"Rob! It's me, Jack!" an agitated voice speaks from the other side "Do I disturb you? Probably you're having dinner with your wife!"

"Nope, she's not h..."

"Anyway, you need to go to Tress house, she's waiting for you!" the man quickly explains.

"Wha? And how do you know it?"

"She called me today and we..."

"She called you?" This time, it's the man to interrupt him.

"Yes, she did! And wanna know what? I got the call and I said: "Hello, flower store"... Flower store!! Why do I own an insignificant flower store?"

"I feel your pain..." Rob answers without any strength.

"Couldn't I own a jewelries shop? If I said "Hello, jewelries shop", it would have make a different effect!" Jack starts talking nonsense.

"Emh... yes, and at what hour she waits for me?"

"Oh! Right now! You better to move, you know that she doesn't like delays! Now, back to my store..."

"Jack? Jack? Can ...scrrr... me... I can't ....shrrrrr... I'll... scrrrr...." The man clicks on the receiver, ending up the call, then he gives a deep sigh.

"Emh... There's a little change of program..." he confesses to Brixi, who emits a strong grunt of disappointment. "Only ten minutes! I can't waste my time for your human business!" he recomends, while leaving home along with the man.

"Ok, I'll be quick! Maybe if we're lucky we'll meet the Shadow!" he teases him.

"Ha-ha!" is the - not amused at all - answer.

"I better to hurry!" Jack says to himself, while closing his store "I don't want to be late at my first date with Tress!" Then he starts running, directed to the place of the appointment.

In the other side of the town, inside the abandoned warehouse that makes as shelter and headquarter of the kitty-cats, the atmosphere is much more happier. Shangelina, Michelle, Sebastian and Mimi are testing the new choreography invented by the red-cream cat and everybody are enjoying the dance.

"And one... two... three... four... five... six!" Mimi beats the rhythm, while everybody repeat the steps learned.

 six!" Mimi beats the rhythm, while everybody repeat the steps learned

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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