New Beginnings

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"THERE THEY ARE!! The Direction!!!" The blond man roared as the boys walked in. Harry gripped Zayn's hand as the two set on a couch. Liam, Louis and Niall followed and plopped down on the couch, Liam's hand curled around Louis's leg and Niall's leg hooked around Louis's. The five boys stared at the old duo with amused faces.

"Love EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!! Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam...Zack!!" Zayn rolled his eyes and tightened his hand on Harry's thigh.

"Its Zayn."

"Whatever you say big guy!" Harry smirked reached over to rub his boyfriend's neck, his green eyes shining.

"Now, I want you to meet Marcel, our marketing guy!" Harvey said, gesturing to a door. Five pairs of eyes slid over and watched as someone outside clearly bumped their head on the door. Louis and Niall grinned, blue eyes sparkling. Liam chuckled softly and Harry and Zayn flat out laughed. However the laughs and smirks died and fell to the ground when the hunched over boy came in.

Marcel, as the big blonde had named him, was nothing short of adorable. The shorter boy had his hair slicked back, with some awful but endearing wide, thick framed glasses. His whole appearance just screamed NERD...and...something else. His deep deep dimples stood out loud and proud as his green eyes sparkled.

"Nice to meet you!! Big fan!!! Cute as a button, every single one of you!" Zayn and Harry both lifted eyebrows, there eyes surveying the boy in front of them. Marcel noticed and swallowed.

"So I want you all to meet Leroy, he's going to be your choreographer!!" The boys barely even gave a second look to the brightly dressed dancer, their eyes, Zayn and Harry the most, stared at Marcel, each one of them picking out what they enjoyed most about the endearingly nerdy boy the best.

"His eyes" Niall thought.

"His annoyingly adorable voice" Louis smirked.

"His deep, crater like dimples." Liam smiled.

"His cute way of being nervous in front of us" Zayn grinned.

"His everything" Harry thought matter-of-factly.

All of the boys couldn't help but notice that the boy closely reassembled a slightly shorter, more dorky version of their own boyfriend. Harry just grinned to himself.

"Well thanks Leroy, now I think, we should look at some of the styling options for the film..." The boys looked at each other and then at the hideous canvas, showing their bodies on some repulsive clothing choices.

"We NEVER wear that" Zayn rolled his eyes.

"But it tested really well!" Louis spoke up.

"Never in a million years." The boys watched Marcel closely, observing as his happiness wavered. Marcel put on more hideous outfits, the boys continued to shoot them down more and more harshly, until finally, Niall put the icing on the cake.

"I would never wear that! What are you trying to make me look like a dashing idiot??" Niall's normally charming irish accent made the words come out clipped and cold. Marcel finally gives a heart breaking frown.

"I-I will be right back...ummm...I have more canvas outfits!" He said with a fake smile. He practically ran back through the door. The boys sat back...a little guiltly. They hadn't got the reaction that they wanted, and it looked like they just made the poor baby downright miserable.

After 10 minutes of Marcel not coming back, Liam stood up and stretched.

"Well boys, I'm going to go to the loo, and then I guess we can go." They nodded quietly.

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