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Almost forgot!!!

My apologies to those who have already read!

This chapter has some HEAVY violence,MIF you do not want to read or this triggers you then by all means do not read. This chapter is not especially essential, everything will be recapped in the next chapter.

Love you all, enjoy the chapter!!

All five of the boys stared at Marcel as he made his way out of the room. Zayn and Calum were the firsts to break themselves out of it and follow the now menacing boy out. Liam and Harry turned to each other and frowned. Harry reached over and grabbed there diaper bag which was really made to look like a backpack. Liam nodded solemnley while Louis and Niall threw a confused glance at him.

"He's definetley gonna need this...I don't need to say this to Zayn because he already knows, but we need to keep it together boys...that "man" that just walked out that door, is still our baby, he still has a strong headspace and that is going to come out strong if and/or after he pulls that trigger." Liam said with a frown.

"How do we know we are doing the right thing? I mean, what if this comes back to hurt him and by extension us?? What is this breaks him?" Louis's eyes dulled to a navy blue as he spoke, a frown etched into his face. Harry spoke up next.

"Li...what was Marcel about to do before you walked into that bathroom the first day that first day we met him?" Liam thought back.

"He...he was about to inject himself with drugs..." Harry nodded grimly.

"That's right...as much as we don't like it, Marcel hasn't always been ours...he had been with that son of a bitch Adrian for five bloody years, he's been dealing with this far longer than before we got to him. What I'm saying is that, he has been through things that us lads have only seen in movies and read in books...I'm saying that he needs closure, he needs to end him once and for all." Niall nodded as Harry's words.

"But that still doesn't answer the question of what if he breaks?" Niall frowned.

"He might break... that is a very real possibility...but, as his daddies, we have to be strong, he has to see that we have it together, that we are going to hold him up when he can't do it himself. Marcel is about to not only witness someone's death, but he is also going to be the cause of it." Liam countered.

"I have an idea." Louis raised.

"Well speak up babes." Niall slid his hand under Louis's shirt, rubbing at the small of his back. Louis smiled softly and leaned into the blond haired boy.

"Well...maybe we should all pull it..." Liam cocked his head at Louis.

"Like we all either hold the gun or him and pull the trigger with him, that way he won't feel like he did it by himself, that he is solely responsible. It might seal the bond that we have with him..." Harry looked at Liam, pulling the muscular boy into his side and rubbing his hip. They looked at each other as if reading the others mind and nodded at the same time.

"I think that's a good idea boo...I'll let Zayn know in the car." They all stood up.

"Remember guys, no matter what happens, we stay strong...for Marcel." They all nodded.

The four boys made their way to the SUV sitting outside, heads down. They were dressed in black anyways so it would almost impossible to make them out in the dark night but better safe than sorry. Liam made Harry, Niall and Louis walk in front of him, keeping an eye on them as he locked their door, pocketing the key card and jogging out to the SUV, an uneasy feeling beginning to set in his gut. He stomached it and climbed into the now tight spaced SUV. Reaching over he lifted Niall up and out of his seat with a small squeak from the boy and deposited him in his own lap. He put his seat belt on and then locked his arms around Niall. Calum was looking over some papers, grinning to himself. Marcel was seated in Zayn's lap, his wild curly hair falling in his face much like Harry's who was sitting beside him. Marcel's face was completely blank as he sat in Zayn's lap. Harry reached over and laced one hand with Zayn's and the other with Marcel, who subtly gave a squeeze. Louis looked over Calum's shoulder at the papers.

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