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Instead of Marcel and the boys having a sexual relationship, it will be a purely FLUFFY relationship, ya know kiss on the lip here, kiss on the lip there, that sort of thing. It will be protective, and you'll see what I mean about that, later on in part 2 of Rewind.

This is the long awaited relapse chapter so there will be the following warnings...if this hits a nerve for any of my gorgeous readers, then I have planned for Part 2 to recall everything that happened in Part 1 in much less...gruesome detail.
Abuse (physical)
Mentions of Rape
Marcel has a past.
And it definetley isn't good for a little guy like him.

"READY OR NOT HERE I COME MARCEL EDWARD TOMLINSON-HORAN-STYLES-MALIK-PAYNE!!!!!!!" Marcel giggled quietly from his hiding spot underneath the kitchen table as he listened to Liam's loud voice. Zayn stood at the counter smiling as he cut up vegtables for stir-fry.

"Cupcake, Dada is gonna see your little feet" Marcel gasped and tucked his mint green onsie covered feet underneath him. Liam's sock covered feet walked into the room.

"Baby, have you seen a certain little monster anywhere in here?" Zayn plugged in the wok and shook his head.

" tried Louis and Har-" Zayn went quiet as he heard a small giggle. Liam smirked and walked over to the table.

"I wonder where my little baby...IS!" Liam reached under the table and snatched Marcel up by his waist.

"You can't hide from me baby boo" Liam settled a giggling Marcel on his hip as the watched Zayn fix the stir fry.

"Baba, I have peice of carrot please?" Zayn smiled and pulled a carrot out of the wok, blew on it, then placed it in his baby's mouth.

"Your such a precious little baby." Marcel chewed thoughtfully,blushing at his Baba's praise. Harry walked in then with Louis right behind him.

"We've gotta go to the recording studio today...those wankers lost the audio from the song we just did." Louis hissed rubbing his temples. Marcel chewed on his finger as he watched Louis do what he always did when he was upset. Wriggling out of Liam's arms, Marcel crawled over to Harry who bent doen to snatch him up. Marcel whispered something in his ear while Harry grinned and carried the now giggling Marcel over to a fuming Louis. Marcel leaned over and placed a sloppy kiss on Louis's cheek.

"Daddy no mad no more?" Louis's face softened as he took Marcel into his own arms.

"Daddy's not mad anymore baby" Louis glared at his 4 boyfriends.

"I expect all of you to be ready in 30 minutes, Zayn could you wrap a plate for all of us and make Marcel one too? We'll feed him at the studio, and put a bottle of milk in the-" Marcel whispered in Louis's ear.

"Oh, excuse me, the pink milk please Zayn" Marcel smiled as Louis took him up the stairs.

"Any requests for clothes today baby?" Marcel thought for a moment. Before pointing to Louis, then to himself.

"Would you like to dress like me?" Marcel nodded as Louis retrieved a matching Miami Heat hoodie and some black sweatpants out of the closet. Laying Marcel down and strapping him to the table, Louis removed Marcel's unused nappy and looked at him, searching his face.

"Are we feeling like a pull-up today?" Marcel clapped his hands and smiled as Louis shook his head.

"I don't think so little boy." As Louis pulled out a nappy. Marcel frowned and batted at Louis's hands.

"Daddyyyy want pull-up, no nappy" Louis shook his head, shaking powder around Marcel's genitals.

"Baby, your not very big today so Daddy wants you to stay in nappies for me okay?"Louis patted Marcel's tummy who began smiling under his soft touch. Quickly dressing him, Louis picked Marcel up, Puddles and Marcel's mini blue iPad with all his baby games and went downstairs the boys all waiting downstairs for the two to come down.

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