Revenge, Part One

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Alright guys, just some notes guys,

-I DO NOT CARE IF YOU GUYS CUSS IN THE COMMENTS. I have been seeing so many people in the comments of other stories constantly reporting them. You guys, say what you want.

-I'm not going to use the story to put notes up. Like I did last time for this week, I am going to post notes about updates to my message board. I'm not going to trick you guys with chapters that are actually just author notes lol. If have anything then I will just put it in the beginning of the chapter like now.

-My other stories will be updated sometime at the end of this week after I turn in all my papers. I'm sorry about late updating but I'm in university guys, it's not going to be easy doing constant updates.

That is all, enjoy the chapter!

Marcel is suffocating.



He can't even fart without one of his dad's literally kissing his ass.

And this?

Is one of those times.

"MARCEL, WHO TOLD YOU TO GET OFF OF THAT COUCH??" Marcel choked on his spit and dropped his race car. Zayn leaned over the couch and snatched the frightened Marcel up and into his arms.

"YOU are going straight back into your highchair." Zayn carried Marcel into the spacious kitchen where all the boys were moving around making dinner for everyone. Harry cooed at a now pouting Marcel. Leaning over, he grabbed one of Liam's rare vanilla cupcakes and different tubes of colored icing and dropped them on Marcel's tray. He held up a finger and winked. Marcel happily went along with squeezing the different colored icing all over the cupcake, eating more of it than putting it on the cake.

"Marcel, I don't know why you insist on getting up after we put you somewhere. 70% of your body is wrapped up in gauze" Liam shook his head as he handed Zayn a cucumber to go inside the stir fry. Harry and Louis were happily cutting up vegtables and chicken while Niall was in charge of frying wontons. Marcel fingered at the gauze that covered his entire middle and frowned.

"Down Baba, I play with my cars!"Zayn turned the heat down and turned to his baby boy.

"We don't want you moving around baby, how about coloring? Would you like to draw with me?" Marcel sighed and nodded as Zayn kissed one of his green eyes. Minutes later, Marcel was sitting comfortably by one of his daddies, Marcel happily scribbling over a page and Zayn with one of his sketch books and a shading pencil. The other boy watched with heart eyes while finishing up the cooking.

Every since Marcel had come back from the hospital, the boys had been on high alert. It was hard to break Marcel high intoxication haze. He was out and for four days afterwards he had awful withdrawls. The boys had nursed him, coddled him and loved him all through it. Marcel was still shaken up however, leading the boys to never leave him alone by himself. Or let him move around freely, for that matter. The boys kept him under lock and key, even going so far as to making him go to all rehearsals or any errands they needed to run. Unfortunetley, Jose hadn't been able to find where Adrian had disappeared to and they were getting frustrated. Not only did they wanted to permantley take away any threat to their baby but they wanted to end his life.

"Baba!" Zayn snapped out of it looked over at Marcel who was currently holding up his picture.

"That is absolutley beautiful baby!" Harry grinned, sloppping a kiss on Marcel's head.

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