New Relationships

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Brinston and Bryan were getting worried and they were getting worried quick.

Liam and the other boys had been gone for well over seven hours and Marcel was getting beside himself with anxiousness. The poor little boy was currently sitting in a corner shaking. His head was done and his legs were folded underneath him, arms wrapped around himself. He wouldn't allow anybody near him unless it was Michael. Even then, Michael was only allowed near him for small amounts of time. Grabbing Bryan's arm, Brinston dragged him into the kitchen.

"Call them babe." Brinston begged. Bryan looked at his husband worriedly.

"I don't know if I should they might be an-"

"Bryan, call them. We have a very distressed baby out there and the last thing we need is for him to drop. Not only are we totally unprepared for him to drop, but doing it in the state of mind that he's in right now would be dangerous. We wouldn't be able to get him out of it." Bryan bit his lip and nodded before pulling out his cellphone. Dialing Niall's number he anxiously waited for him to pick up. When someone finally did answer with a tired "hello" Brinston snatched the phone out of his hand.
"Y'all have AN HOUR to get your asses back over here and talk to this poor baby. I don't know what the hell is going on with you five, or what's it got to do with us, but I will not be responsible for a baby sub-dropping in this state of mind!" He heard rustling on the end of the phone before Niall answered.

"Yeah, yeah we're on our way...sorry man."

"You had better be coming over here to apologize and fix what you've done because we have been looking to adopt another baby and we will not hesitate to get Marcel out of a harmful environment should you guys create one" Brinston growled.

"We are on our way" that was Liam.

"Good." Brinston said with a click of the phone.

Bryan stood up and walked to the front room where Marcel was lying on the couch. He winked at his baby, who was eyeing Marcel worriedly.

"Baby, go in the kitchen and help daddy with lunch so we can put some nummies in Marcel's stomach." Michael nodded his head, casting one more sad look at Marcel before crawling out of the room. Bryan picked Marcel up, laying him in his lap.

"Are you big or little right now sweetheart?" Bryan asked quietly, almost as if speaking above a whisper would physically hurt him. Marcel gave a tiny nod.

" 'm big" Bryan nodded.

"What are we thinking right now...?"

"...why would they...why would they just...go off and leave me? Why would they nearly abandon me...they were fine before..." Bryan pressed.

"Before what baby?"

"Before...before my kiss with Michael..." Bryan nodded.

"Brinston and unnoticed that as you feel something for Michael?" Marcel's eyes widened and he looked up at Bryan, frightened.

"No no sweetheart, I'm just asking for clarification...Brinston and I are in a strictly non-sexual age play relationship with Michael, we simply care about him as if he were our biological child...we agreed on that from the beginning." Marcel sighed in relief.

"I was afraid I had over stepped an unseen boundary...but no, I don't feel for Michael in that sort of way, I'm very affectionate, as big Marcel and little..." Bryan nodded in understanding.

"Are you and your daddies in a sexual age play relationship?"Marcel shook his head as his eyes hardened.

"Are they really even that, daddies don't abandon their baby..."Marcel said, crossing his arms and allowing an adorable pour to settle on his lips.

"I understand you're upset..."

"But no, we've never done anything sexual, I thought we were in a non-sexual relationship as far as I knew." Bryan looked confused.

"As far as you knew?" Marcel turned sheepish.

"Well...they've always been really protective...if I'm playing with other female littles, they don't really say anything, but if it's with male littles, one of them is always hovering...really protective" Bryan nodded.

"That makes a lot of sense...I think you all need to sit down and talk about it, it sounds to me as if they are just really, really, really jealous." Marcel rolled his eyes just as the doorbell rang. Bryan sat him down with a loving pat to his cheek.

"We'll take Michael out so that you guys can talk" Marcel nodded.

His head was down as he heard feet shuffle in. It was silent in the room.

"Baby, will you look at us?" That was Liam. Marcel felt himself slipping but he physically held back.


"Yes you can sweetheart, let us see those pretty eyes." Louis. Marcel sniffled.

"Do you guys think of me more than just your baby." There was a long pause. Marcel began to grow worried after a couple of minutes before the boys spoke up.

"Yes baby...we do." Marcel finally looked up at the boys. They looked amazing, but he could hear the stress in their voices.

"Well...why...why did you leave me?" Marcel put his head back down as his eyes welled up with tears. He quickly felt himself being snatched up and pulled against someone's chest.

"Honey...that was our fault, we got so jealous seeing you and Michael, we weren't thinking straight...we should have told you how we felt, this is all our fault." Harry kissed Marcel's wet cheeks over and over while the other boys crowded around. Marcel sniffed and looked up.

"So...what are we?" Zayn picked Marcel up and held him against his chest.

"We are still your daddies...before everything. However, we also want you to be our're still a baby, you still follow our rules, but we'll have times where we want to take you out on dates, and we'll have our adult times." Zayn explained.

" I'm still baby?" Marcel asked. Niall smiled and kissed Marcel's cheek.

"You are still our baby!"

DON'T PANIC THIS IS NOT THE END GUYS!!! I have one more plan before this I finish this story 🤗

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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