Under The Sea

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"Look at him"

"This is literally the most precious thing I have ever seen."

"Its nice to see Mr. Big and Bad being taken down a few notches"

"Did you get a picture of this??"

"Fuck yes!!" Marcel's eye began twitch open at the voices, he made a little baby groan and snuggled back down into the boy underneath him.

"Shut up arse face, your waking them up!!!" Marcel felt a deep growl come from the chest beneath him as whatever boy it was rumbled to awareness.

"Look you bloke! You woke them up!" An irish accent hissed annoyed.

Marcel opened his eyes, slightly aware that his cheek rested directly up against another person's.

Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall stood there smiling, watching Zayn flutter his eyes open.

"What the hell are you fuckards standing there for?" Zayn growled grumpily as he hugged Marcel's body more possessively to his chest.

"You should really see how cut this is mate." Harry smirked. Zayn had Marcel with the baby's top half completely pillowed on his broad chest. Marcel's left hand was enclosed inside Zayn's slightly bigger one, but that wasn't the cutest thing. Somehow, Marcel had found Zayn's old bear that he had since he was 2 that was hidden underneath the mound of blankets(That Zayn will never admit to no matter how long he lives)that the Bradford boy just cannot bare to part with. However, Marcel has managed to dig it out and now not only is it wrapped in Marcel's freebhand that wasn't holding Zayn's but the older boy also had his arm around the bear, both boys holding it securely.

"Papa, what's his name?" Marcel looked up at his papa andbwaited for an anwsed expectantly. The boys however, also waited shaking with nearly uncontrollable laughter, ready to expload when Zayn said it. Zayn sighed and locked his eyes on his baby's beautiful large green eyes.

"His name is Puddles" Zayn smiled as Marcel's anwsering smile, almost made him completely tune out the exploding laughter around. Zayn smiled softly covering Marcel's ears and then made his face contort into the most evil looking scowl he could muster up, and turned to look at his boyfriends.

"If I hear one more laugh even so much has a fucking chuckle, I am witholding sex from you nymphos, for the next 2 weeks." Zayn said flatly. The laughter immediatley ceased as all foir boys looked at him with muddled fear.

"You wouldn't." Zayn turned his hazel eyes on Liam.

"Try me you arsehole." All four boys clamped their mouths shut, as Zayn's face turned back into a sweet smile as he uncovered Marcel's ears kissing each of them.

"I like the name Papa" Zayn smiled and kissed Marcel's nose. He then got up stretched and then leaned over, rubbing Marcel's tummy, while the smaller boy stretched his gangly limbs. Zayn then lifted him up and into his arms.

"Me and my baby boy, are going to take a shower, you bum cheeks on the other hand, will have somee....." Zayn tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"What does Prince want for breakfast?" Zayn cooed as Marcel lifted his head and thought. Zayn's heart swelled as Marcel stuck a finger inside one of Zayn's half dimple and twisted it slightly.

"Wan waffles papa." Marcel said quietly,placing a small baby kiss on Zayn's cheek and then laid his head back down, somehow managing to curl his lanky body into Zayn's even more.

"You heard him he wants waffles." Zayn smirked to the other boys and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

After what Marcel had affectionatley named, "Marcy and Papa time" Zayn carried the little boy back into the bedroom, dressing him in a diaper first. The he slid a short sleeve, purple onsie on him. Marcel pulled at the fabric surrounding his damp skin, frowning.

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