Pain In The Butt

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Marcel bounced out of bed, untangling himself from the tangle of his daddies arms. That itself proved a work out though. Unfortunately for poor little Marcel, all of his daddies were very strong, so it took the poor boy almost 10 minutes just to wriggle himself out of their circle of arms. When he finally made it out of the maze of daddies, his onsie clad feet slid across the hall to his own bedroom. Of course his daddies never let him sleep in his crib, preferring to have their little boy beside them. Marcel opened his closet doors and went to the very back, fishing out his big boy clothes and smiling widely. Today his daddies had promised to let him be a big boy, he even would get a chance to drive his old car! Marcel hurridley pulled off his onsie and diaper, switching them for a pair of his Daddy Louis's boxers. He then pulled up some brown trousers that flooded slightly and a white button down shirt. Marcel reached back into the closet and pulled out his favorite brown and beige sweatervest, slipping that over his head, he tried combing his hands through his hair, frustrated over the fact that he didn't have any hair gel.

Just because ONE he confused it with the Hubba Bubba candy gel his Papa had bought him. He honestly thought that it was the same thing!!...until halfway through the tube his stomach got a weird stingy feeling and his daddies had tripped over themselves getting him to the hospital.

But that was only one time.

He gave up trying to fix his hair and just let his hair down. He and the boys were going to his old job, so that they could explain that Marcel was quitting. Marcel had BEGGED them to let him dress like a big boy. They finally gave in, stressing, that this was the one and ONLY time. Marcel smiled softly and looked at the time. It was 10:45 and his daddies still were not up. He sighed and went back into the room, silently chuckling at the sight.

When Marcel wasn't there the boys sleeping positions got......dangerous. Harry was currently hanging off the bed his neck hanging over the side, Liam's foot was resting comfortably on the curly haired boy's neck. Liam was face down, his face so far in the mattress anybody else (including a very worried Marcel) would wonder how the hell he was breathing. Louis and Niall both were sprawled across Liam and Zayn. Louis's hand was sprawled over the top of Zayn's face, squashing his nose, causing a loud snore to come from Zayn's mouth every couple of seconds. Marcel tried to figure out the best (and least dangerous) way to wake his daddies without someone getting a foot lodged in their neck. He decided the best plan was to go to his Dada, thinking that this decision would do the least damage.

Poor baby.

He went around to Liam's side and, softly as he possibly could, tapped Liam on the shoulder, whispering a quiet "Dada" Liam's eyes flew open as he jerked up, the motion causing Louis's small body to go flying halfway across the room. Niall rolled fell ontop of Harry as both boys went crashing down off the bed. Zayn however, somehow stayed unharmed...but then again...he is Zayn.

"Oh shit baby you scred Dada half to death." Liam reached over and pulled Marcel onto his chest trying to calm his breathing, his baby's weight making it a little better. Harry climbed back on the bed and took Marcel, placing the little boy on his own chest.

"Look who got ready all by themselves?" Harry kissed Marcel's temple and wrapped his arms around his look alike.

"Yeah and he better not get used to it either." Zayn groaned as he turned on his side facing Harry and Marcel.

"But Papa!-"

"But Papa nothing little boy" Zayn opened one hazel eye and stared at Marcel until the little boy shrunk back against Harry's chest. Louis groaned from across the room and rubbed his head.

"Come over here and pick me up you oaf!!" Liam looked at the blue eyed boy and laid back down.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Louis scoffed.

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