Running Away

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She was running as fast as she could through the streets to downtown. She had to get away from him, but he was slowly closing in on her. She turned a corner and was half down the street when she decided to look back and check if he was still chasing her. That was when she ran into something or someone. She fell but didn't hit the ground as the person managed to catch her before she did.
"Hey, are you okay?" His voice asked.
"Please don't let him get me!" She said sounding very scared, looking back down the way she came from, seeing him turn the same corner she had moments ago.
"Get back here you stupid bitch!" The man howlered.
"Please help me." Came her voice again.
"Dude, can we help you with something?" Asked the guy as he pushed the girl behind him to protect her.
"Yeah, hand over the girl and I won't kick your ass!" He demanded.
"Look buddy, there's 6 of us and only one of you. You're outnumbered. So I suggest you forget about this girl and just leave, okay?"
The man stood there for a moment and stared at the group of teenage-looking kids. There were 5 guys and one girl, not counting the girl he was after. He changed his mind. He didn't have time for this and didn't want to deal with this shit anymore anyways.
"Fine, whatever. You better not come back, cause if I see you at the house again, I'm going to make your life fucking miserable. You hear me girl?!" The girl managed to nod before he said to the guy and the other people standing with him, "have fun with that little bitch, try not to let her ruin your life, she's a worthless piece of crap." Then he turned and left.
The guy turned to face the girl, who was looking a little worse for ware.
"Are you okay?" He asked gently.
"Thanks," was all she could manage before passing out in his arms.

Nowhere Else To Go (A Riker Lynch Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now