Deep Connections

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Riker's POV

I didn't want to leave her but I had to. My siblings were arriving and I needed to talk to them.
Sarah was still asleep. She looked so peaceful lying there even though she had the breathing mask on and tubes every where.
I called the nurse and asked if she would stay with Sarah while I went to talk to my family in case she woke up while I was gone.

I had texted Rydel to have everyone meet me in the waiting room. They were all there when I walked in. Rocky was the first one to speak, asking, "Is Sarah alright? Rydel said something happened to her??" He seemed extremely concerned, and by the looks of it everyone else did was well. Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought.
"Ummm. Yeah, Sarah went into a cardiac arrest, but they were able to bring her back."
There were murmurs of "Oh my god" and "Is she going to be alright?"
I nodded my head, "Yeah, it's just the reason for the it...." And before I could say anything else, my siblings said it for me.
"It's because she's alone now," Rydel started.
"With no where else to go." Ratliff finished.
"You knew something was up and that's why you came here in the middle of the night. You two have some kind of connection," Ross said.
I just sighed looking at everyone. "I can't explain it."
"Okay. That's it, it's settled! She's coming with us," Rocky said, a little loud, shocking a few of us.
"Oooh that sounds wonderful!" Piped Rydel, "I need some girl time." Everyone was talking excitedly and nodding. I just stood there staring at them. I should've known they would do this. We've been so close for so long, we can read each other like an open book without even saying a word.
"Well, what are you doing still standing here? Go tell Sarah the good news!" Ross said pushing me out of the waiting room.

Sarah's POV

I woke up, but Riker was not there. Instead the nurse was there, holding my hand. "He'll be right back. He went to talk with his family. But asked me to stay here in case you woke up."
I nodded, I still wasn't in the mood to take off my breathing mask to talk. It wasn't long though before Riker walked back in the room. He thanked the nurse and she left. He walked up to me and grabbed my hand.
"Umm....there's something I need to tell you." Riker paused and I knew what he was going to say. They were leaving and I'd be on my own. I felt the tears start and my heart beating faster. Riker must have known what I was thinking or saw the heart monitor spike, because he moved his hand to my shoulder and said, "Hey, calm down, it's good news. We want you to come with us back to California. That's if you want to, of course."
I took a deep breath and nodded, but I couldn't stop the tears.
"Wonderful." Riker said as he wiped the tears off my cheeks before kissing them.
And that was how I knew I wasn't alone anymore.

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