Something Wasn't Right

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Riker's POV

I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the look on Sarah's face when the doctor told her she could leave tomorrow. It was fear. I've never seen someone scared to leave a hospital before. It wasn't until I tried to go to sleep that I figured it out. She doesn't have anywhere to go. She can't go back home, if she even called it that.
What was she going to do? She didn't have anything, she said herself that the bag and what was in was all she had.
Maybe we could take her back to California with us? Everyone seemed to like her, but I'm not sure they would agree with her coming with us.
But I'd worry too much about her. There's a connection between us even though we've known each other such a short time. Can I call it love at first sight? Is that what I feel? I don't know, but I all I know is that things will be weird without her.
All these thoughts kept running through my head keeping me awake along with another nagging feeling that wouldn't go away. I decided to just get up. The feeling was telling the back of my brain that I needed to be at the hospital. So I got up and tried to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake up Rydel or Ellington, who I shared the hotel room with. (Rocky, Ross, and Ryland shared the adjoining room).
I guess I wasn't quiet enough cause I heard Rydel ask, "What are you doing up?"
"I can't sleep, I'm going to the hospital."
"But it's 2:30am, visiting hours aren't until 7am. That's four and a half hours, what are you going to do?" She questioned me.
"I don't know, I just know that's where I need to be right now," I replied. "Go back to sleep, I'll see you later." I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet and left the room.

The hospital was super quiet at this time, so I didn't have to worry about a lot of people. I walked to the check-in desk and asked if it would be alright to go to the ICU waiting room. The receptionist said they don't allow people in there if it is not visiting time. One of the nurses for Sarah had come out at that moment. She looked at me and knew who I was, "It's okay, he can be in the waiting room until hours start. Follow me." I followed her back to the waiting area before the entrance to the ICU. "You'll have to stay here, I can't get you any further."
"This is fine, thank you," I said.
There was a TV in the area so I turned on some random channel and picked up a magazine. I looked at my watch and the time read 3:15am. I put the magazine back down, I wasn't going to read it. Instead I began pacing the room, the nagging feeling was back full force and something didn't feel right. And that was when I heard over the intercom 'Code Red, room 217.' That was Sarah's room. A second later some nurses and doctors ran through the room into the ICU. I ran in behind them, no way was I going to stay out here.
When I got to her room I stopped outside of it looking through the window. Sarah's machines were going off, but she was just laying there, not moving. I felt my breath catch. What was wrong? Was she going to be okay? My hands went to my head and through my hair, and I had backed up to the wall. The nurse who let me in the waiting room saw me but didn't say anything as she ran into Sarah's room.
My heart was sinking. She has to be okay. This can't be the end, it's hardly even started. At that moment I realized I was falling in love with a girl I hardly knew. I couldn't explain it. I just knew she needed to be okay, or else I wouldn't be.

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