The Past Comes Forward

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Sarah had to stay in the hospital another day, because of her cardiac arrest, the doctors wanted to make sure she was okay. But she was okay. She was so happy and relieved to be getting out of this town and away from her horrible step-father that her vitals were the best they had been since she first got to the hospital.
Even when visiting hours were over and Riker had to leave, Sarah knew she was going to be fine.

The following morning came and Sarah woke up from a semi-restful sleep. It was just before visiting hours so Riker wasn't allowed in yet, but she knew he was already here.
The nurse came in and brought breakfast. It was the first time she actually wanted to eat and knew somehow she wouldn't be sick afterwards. She was eating when Riker walked into the room. He smiled, seeing her almost finished with her breakfast.

"Good morning! Hey, you're eating all your food, great job! We need you in good shape for the road trip, it's going to be a long one, unfortunately."

"It will be great, I'm sure. I've been through much worse than a long road trip." Riker frowned a little at her comment. He didn't like what has happened to her and he wished he could change her past. But he knew he couldn't, he could at least make her future better. "Hey, I'm okay. Sorry I said that." Sarah said after seeing the look on Riker's face.

"I just don't like what happened to you."

"I know."

The nurse came back in and took the food tray away. A few minutes after she left the doctor and a social worker came in.
"Good morning, how are we doing today?"

"I'm doing well," Sarah replied.

"Excellent. Now I looked over your vitals yesterday, and everything looks good. I'm thinking we might get you released today. But first we need to have a talk with Mrs. Cavanaugh, here. She is with the department of human services and needs to discuss a few things before you can leave."

"Okay," Sarah replied again, and glanced up to look at Riker. She knew what was coming and what they had to talk about, although Riker did not. He didn't know the whole story, but she knew he was about to find out because she couldn't do this without him.

"Normally, we like to have this discussion individually, however, it's certainly up to you to make that decision."

"If it's okay, I'd prefer Riker to stay." Sarah reached out her hand to Riker, which he took and sat on the bed next to her.

"Not a problem. Let's get started. When you first arrived here we did a thorough examine to make sure we didn't miss anything, as you were in a very bad state. One of the nurses preformed the female examine and found scaring where I'm sure you know." She nodded and the doctor continued. "By law I have to notify human services of situations like this so certain actions can be taken if necessary."

"Now, Miss Carter, I've been briefed on your situation, but need to go over a few things. We're here because of your step-father, correct?" The social worker started.


"Can you tell me when it all started?"

"Two years ago. After my mom died." Riker squeezed my hand in support. "I was a senior in high school and I had just turned 18 a month before. My mother got sick and died. Then my step-father turned mean and took his anger out on me, physically and, uh, sexually." Sarah paused taking a breath. "I was supposed to go to college after I graduated, but he took all my college money. I was forced to get a job and he took that money too. I was a prisoner."

"Didn't you try to get any help?"

"I tried, once. I left work early one day to go to the police station and report him. But he found out somehow and stopped me just before I could reach the station. He beat me really bad because of that and that's when I got this scar." Sarah pulled up her gown sleeve to reveal several cigarette burn scars on her sholder. Riker's eyes widened a bit, he didn't know how bad it actually was. "After that he kept me at home and I didn't work anymore. Lost contact with everyone and anyone who could help."

"What caused you to decide to run away now?"

"It was the two year anniversary of my mom's death and I just couldn't take it any more. I couldn't live that way anymore. I was wasting away, I had to get out. I waited for him to leave like usual, then made a run for it. However, he came back shortly after he left and came after me. I ran as fast as I could into town and that's when I ran into Riker."

"You seem to trust him after having just met him." The social worker stated.

"Yes, I can't explain it, but I do. I haven't felt so comfortable around someone since my mom." Sarah looked at Riker, he smiled then lifted  her hand he was holding and kissed it. She blushed and a couple tears escaped her eyes.

"Well, I'm glad. But we do need to talk about what to do now. Are you wanting to file a report or press charges against your step-father?"

"Ummm," she paused to think about it, "not really. I'm leaving with the Lynchs and I don't really want a reason to come back, ever."

"Understandable. I'll keep this record documented in your file should anything happen and you need it. Here's my card, please do not hesitate to call me, for any reason. Good day Miss Carter, be safe."

"Thank you." Sarah took the card and shook the social workers hand before she left.

"Alright, then I think we'll be able to release you now, but first, Miss Carter, can I have a word with you in private for a moment?" The doctor asked.

"Sure." She looked at Riker, "I'll be okay. Go ahead and tell your siblings we'll be leaving soon." Riker kissed her forehead and left. "What is it doctor?"

"I wanted to give you a medication for anxiety and depression, but wanted to ask you about it first."

"Oh, okay."

"Considering your recent past, and where you'll be going now, I feel it would be a good choice. I'm fairly certain the Lynchs have a very different lifestyle than what you've just been through. There'll be more people and more interactions, and this medication will help." He handed her a paper bag with enough samples for a while. "I placed a written prescription in there as well, so when you get settled you take it in."

"Thank you."

"Just doing my job. I'll go get your release papers." He smiled and walked out. Riker walked in a moment later seeing it was okay since the doctor left.

"Everything okay?" He walked to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"It is now," she said as she snuggled against him and he tightened his embrace.

Nowhere Else To Go (A Riker Lynch Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora