I Heard His Name

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Sarah's POV

I couldn't see anything. All round me was blackness. It seemed like I was floating, but it also felt like my feet were on the ground. It was weird, but at this moment everything felt weird.
It wasn't silent anymore, I could hear the faint sounds of beeping, something sounding like it was charging, and voices. The voices were quiet at first, but the more I tried to focus on what they were saying, the louder it got. There was a lot of mixed yelling, but a female voice was coming through past the camotion.
"You can make it. Come on Sarah, you can do this. He's here. Riker came back for you. He loves you sweety. You have to come back for him. Riker is here for you."
When she said his name, I felt a jolt run through my body. The blackness started to lighten. He's here...
And then a second jolt shocked me. The blackness disappeared. I leaned foward suddenly and gasped for air. My eyes shot open and I remember looking straight foward and locking eyes with him as someone was putting a breathing mask over my face. My eyes did not leave him as I fell back.
The machine quieted down and seemed to be running normally since now the doctors and nurses started to leave. A couple nurses and a doctor remained.
"Just breathe and relax, you'll be fine," the doctor said. I finally took my eyes off Riker and looked at the doctor. I blinked slowly and nodded.
The doctor and one nurse left. The other nurse stayed a little longer. I looked at her and knew she was the one I heard.
"Thank you," I tried to say, but it was muffled. I moved the mask briefly, "I heard you say his name." I started coughing and pushed the mask back on. The nurse smiled and rubbed my arm in acknowledge.
After a moment, I lifted my hand and pointed to Riker. The nurse looked at him and then back at me, she could see the pleading in my eyes.
"I'll let him in," she said, leaving the bedside and going to Riker standing in the hallway. I saw inaudible talking, then the nurse walked back to her station, and Riker walked into my room.
He came up beside me and I saw the worry and exhaustion in his eyes and face. "Hey. " was all he said. I briefly moved the mask to say hey back. He pulled up a chair and sat right next to me and putting his hand in mine as a wave of comfort washed over me.
It was 4am, and I knew neither of us had gotten much rest since the nap eariler in the day. We eventually fell asleep holding hands. How is it that I've come to feel completely at ease with this person I only met a few days ago? Could I possibly be starting to fall in love? I guess only time can tell us.

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