I Must Be Dreaming

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The doctor came into the waiting room and asked them if they knew anything about the girl they had just brought in. Everyone shook their heads.
"She was running down the street. There was a guy chasing her and she asked for help after she ran into us."
"Well, she has multiple cuts and bruises all over her body, as well as some scaring. Maybe this person was abusing her... We had to hook up an IV as she was severely dehydrated and it looks as through she might suffer from recent malnutrition. She is in stable condition now, still asleep though. But you can go and see her if you like."
"Thank you, doctor."

She was starting to wake up. She hates this part because she never knew where she was going to be waking up at. Sometimes it was her bedroom, usually on the floor. But a lot of times it was either the basement or garage, a few times it was even outside in the dirt.
However, this time she felt something soft beneath her, like a bed. She opened her eyes slowly out of fear. The room slowly came into focus. It was all white and she could hear distant machine noises and faint dialog over what sounded like an intercom. She realized she was in a hospital room. There was no one in the room with her, but she saw a tall blonde man standing at the window. When he noticed she was awake he left for a moment then entered the room following a doctor.
"Hello, my dear. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.
"Ummm..." She tried to answer, but didn't really know how to answer. Part of her didn't really know and the other part was staring at the guy now standing beside the bed.
"It's okay if you are still a little disoriented, you appear to have been through quite a lot. Now, just to check a couple things. Can you tell me your name?"
Without taking her eyes off the guy, she answered, "Sarah."
"Perfect. And do you remember how you got here?"
"I was running away from...from...my step-father...." she managed to say now taking her eyes off the guy and staring at her hands.
"And is he the one who has been abusing you?"
Sarah just nodded.
"Well, you're safe now and you'll be taken care of here. I'll have to get social services or the police involved to help prevent any further occurrences. But we'll let you rest for now, okay?"
Sarah nodded again. The doctor left, but the guy stayed.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.
Sarah paused before she spoke.
"I ran into you? Out of all the people in the world, I somehow managed to get lucky once in my life, at a bad time too. I never ever thought I'd be anywhere, let alone in a hospital in this small forsaken town, talking to Riker Lynch."

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