The Road Trip, part 1

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Sarah's POV

We were leaving the hospital, finally. I had the release papers in my hand and Riker insisted on carrying my bag, even though it was not very heavy.
Walking outside, I saw a big white van which Rocky and Ross were currently getting in. Ryland was at the back either getting something or putting something away. Rydel and Ellington were standing at the side door smiling as we walked towards them.

"We thought the two of you might want to sit in the back for the first part of the trip," Rydel said cheerfully. "I think we should mix up the seating arrangements every now and then just keep it less boring since we have a long ways to go."

"How long is it going to take to get to LA?" I asked.

"It's about a 30 hour drive, but we're going to stop overnight at a couple places. So we'll be in LA in a few days," Ryland said coming around the side of the van.

"Alright, let's get going guys!" Came Rocky's voice from the drivers seat.

Rydel and Ellington got in and sat in the middle row, leaving room at the end for Ryland. Riker let me get in first and then climbed in after me. After we were all in, Rocky put the car in drive and we were off.

I found out we were going to Seattle, Washington for our first over night stay, which was about 10 hours. However, our first pit stop was in Missoula, Montana. And after 3 hours everyone was ready to their legs and get some lunch.

Rocky pulled into one of those travel stop places. It had a gas station, restaurant, and small shopping center. We all used the restroom then went to find a table in the restaurant for lunch.

An uneasiness came over me when I realized I had absolutely no money to pay for anything. No money for food, no money to help with gas or hotels, no money for new clothes, no money for any essentials I'll need.
Riker sensed my emotion and gave me a look to ask what was wrong. We hadn't talked about this, not financially. He knew I didn't have anything. But I didn't know how to tell him I couldn't pay for anything and I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of his fame and fortune.
After we ordered drinks and food, I asked Riker if I could talk to him outside.

"What's wrong, Sarah?" He asked concerned.

"Ummm..." I started pacing, Riker grabbed my shoulders to stop me.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

"Riker...I don't have anything besides what is in my bag."

"I know that."

"No, Riker. I don't have any money for anything. Not for lunch or any other food. Or anything essential like new clothes, or a toothbrush, or anything. I probably shouldn't have come. I can't even take care of myself. I can't have you taking care of me. I can't ask you for anything. You've done so much already. I don't want you or anyone else thinking I'm with you for your money or taking advantage of you. I can't...."

"Stop, please." Riker interrupted. I looked up at him, tears running down my cheeks. "I know." He wiped the tears away. "I knew what I was getting into and understood what was going to happen when I asked you to come with us. I know you're not taking advantage of me or my money. You asked for help on the first day we met. I don't think either of us thought it would lead to where we are, but it has, and I am happy. I'm happy to have gotten you out of that situation and I'm happy to buy whatever you need. I don't want you to feel bad. I want you to feel loved and cherished, like you did with your mom."
He kissed my forehead and then wrapped me in a hug. I embraced it and buried my face in his chest.
"Alright, let's go back, our food is probably there."

"Okay." I said. We released from the hug, but he grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers together with mine as we walked back into the restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2017 ⏰

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