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The bell rang, signalling it was lunch time now. After assigning us with homework, the teacher left the classroom. I stretched my arms and rolled my stiff neck to loosen up my muscles. God two hours of mathematics, my mind is gonna explode. 

I closed my textbooks and put them under the table and cleared my table. I looked around the classroom and saw that it was almost empty except for a guy at the back sleeping with his head on the table. I sighed and fiddled with my fingers. I hadn't talked with anyone yet thus I am alone. I did not want to eat lunch by myself and decided to head to the library instead. 

I walked out of the classroom and began walking through the corridors in search of the library. According to the floor plan, the library is located at the second floor. I walked further down the hallway expecting to see a staircase yet it came to a dead end. It was just a grey wall.

I huffed in annoyance and was about to walk away when I heard laughter coming from that direction. I stood frozen and looked around me. There was no one else except me so where did the laughter came from? Goosebumps appeared on my arms and the hairs of the back of my neck stood up. The laughter seem to be getting louder and I cant to seem to identify the source of it. 

Its either I'm going crazy or this school is haunted. 

I slowly crept my way towards the direction of where the laugher is coming from. As I neared the wall, the laughter became prominently loud and I could make out voices. I stopped and looked around me and confusion overtook my mind. It was just a plain wall and theres no one else, who could be possibly laughing and talking?

I scratched my head and decided to walk back when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Handles. Door handles. 

Strange. Its only my first day of school and I'm already having thoughts of transferring out. 

I crept towards the door and noticed that it was pretty old and paints were already chipping away. The sounds of laughter and talking got even louder and I came to the conclusion that it was guys in there. This was probably a room that gangs hang out during break time, planning on their next victim. My hands reached out and rested on the door handle. I hesitated before withdrawing my hand away.

Should I go in? What if it was a gang? Am I going to get blacklisted and bullied by those monsters again? 

However the sounds of footsteps approaching the door snap me back to reality and before I know it, the door swung open, revealing a guy with brown hair staring intently at me. 

I froze in my spot and diverted my eyes into the room where six other guys were seated on an old beaten couch. They all stared at me in shock. I suddenly made eye contact with a guy with platinum hair and thats when I realised he was the same guy who had bullied the younger boy earlier. My eyes widened at the same time his eyes turned cold. 

Uh-oh, time to run. [Dasi run run run~]

I spun on my heels and ran for my life. 

'Get her!'

Upon hearing that I ran even faster. 

I ran down the hallway, wishing somebody or anybody who could protect me from those bullies. My muscles burned and my lungs gasped for air. I was just about to reach the stairs when I felt someone pulling on my hair. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. 

I looked up and all the guys surrounded me. I massaged my head, hoping to ease the pain and looked down, not daring to make eye contact with any of them. 

All of a sudden I was being grabbed by the arm and slammed against the wall.  Bitch, that hurt.

I gritted my teeth and saw that a hazelnut haired guy was the one pinning me against the wall. He glared at me before pulling my hair again. "What were you doing?" he spat out. 

I whimpered in pain and bit back the tears threatening to escape from my eyes. He loosened his grip on my hair before punching the wall to the left of my head. "Answer me!" he shouted.

"Hoseok go easy on her, she's going to cry." A another guy said. 

Hoseok let me go and the platinum haired boy spoke up, "I suggest you better speak up. Or you will regret it yeah?" 

I took in a breath and stood up straight, smoothing out my hair and looked at him dead in the eye. I refuse to be bullied anymore. Im not going to become a target for these bastards. 

"It was an accident. I was walking and then I heard voices so I decided to check it out." I replied as coolly as i could.

"Wow, seems like you don't know the rules very well here do you?" He threatened, a smirk on his face. He began to crack his knuckles and I backed up against the wall. Goddamnit.

"Hyung, she was a new student. She's in my class." A guy with black hair spoke up. 

"Fine. Listen here little girl, in this school everyone listens to me. That place you saw just now, pretend that you didn't. If I catch you anywhere near it or telling people about it, I'll make you regret coming here." the platinum haired guy spat out. 

"Namjoon,  she's just a girl, relax." An older guy said.

Namjoon looked at me one last time before walking away, with the rest following behind him. 

I looked down at the floor and tears flowed down. I totally wasn't expecting this, threatened by some guy on my first day of school. 

Footsteps approached me and I wiped my tears away before looking up. The same guy who opened the door just now handed me a handkerchief. 

'I'm Jungkook and I'm in the same class as you along with Taehyung otherwise known as V, and Jimin.' he pointed to the two guys behind him. 

I stared at the handkerchief and hesitated before reaching out to it. I muttered a thanks and wipe my tears away. 

'Hey I'm sorry that on your first day here this happened. Namjoon hyung was having a bad day and you accidentally discovering our hideout pissed him off even further.'  Jung kook said.

'How the fuck am I supposed to know it was your gang's secret hideout? Furthermore he knew I was a new student, he didn't have to be so harsh on me!' I retorted back in anger. 

The guys looked taken aback with my sudden outburst and before they could say anything else I turn around and walked away. 

How I really wish I had just walked away back there.


back with a new chap! hope you guys like  it (: really apologise for the lack of updates bcos I was sosososo busy with school omg. With finals up in a few months been pulling an all nighter for the past few months >< do bear with me and please support this fanfic as well as my other stories :) 

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