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"That was so lit guys!" 

"Yeah, the audience loved us!"

Hoseok and Jimin exclaimed. 

We just finished performing and decided to head out to have supper. We walked out from the backstage and started packing up, thanking the filming and audio crew for helping to setup the stage. 

Once we were all set, we walked out from 'House Of Cards' from the backdoor. Everybody was in high spirits and laughing; we look like a group of teenagers having wild fun and just living in the beautiful moments of youth. 

"Hey guys, let's have Deobokki for supper! My treat! " Namjoon shouted. The rest of the group cheered and we headed down the street towards the restaurant. As we walked further down the alley, I saw a figure wobbling towards us. I squinted my eyes and was able to make out a female figure, she looked really unstable as she stumbled her way towards us.  I don't even think she is walking straight, she's probably drunk. 

"Hyung, who's that?" Jimin asked me. I shrugged my shoulder in response, indicating that I have no idea of who that female is nor having the intention to find out. 

"Probably some fresh graduate getting high." Jin replied sarcastically. 

I laughed and looked down to check my phone, the screen lighting up with multiple notifications from people commenting on our performance.  I guess the filming crew had already uploaded our performance online, one of the reasons why we are getting pretty famous. I smiled to myself and slide the notifications off before switching off my phone. As I looked up, someone bumped into me. It was that girl. 

Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around her to prevent her from falling and to stable myself. She looked up at me and said  "You're so charming. I love your rap." 

Before I could even give a response, she fainted; her head tilting forward and leaning against my shoulder. I stood there in shock and tried shaking her to wake her up.

"Hyung, I think she fainted." Taehyung said, who was standing beside me with his mouth hanging open. 

"I think we should just bring her back to our apartment." Hoseok said. I nodded my head in agreement, thinking that his suggestion was the most logical seeing as we have absolutely no idea of her identity and her address. 

I gave my bag to Hoseok and picked the girl up bridal style before walking towards our black van. 

As we entered our apartment, I went upstairs into my room and laid the girl down on my bed. I removed her heels and tucked her legs in, pulling the covers over her at the same time. I looked at her flushed face and heaved a sigh. Girls these days shouldn't drink so much.

I exited my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. The rest of the guys had already showered and were chilling with their phones. "How is she ?" Namjoon asked. "She's asleep." I replied, before taking my towel and entering the bathroom to take a shower. 


As Yoongi stepped into the bathroom for his shower, I went up the stairs and into his room. I switched on the dim lights and stared at the figure lying on his bed. I went nearer and felt a sense of familiarity ringing in my chest. I squat down so I was face level with her and looked at her features. Her makeup was slightly smudged and she seemed pretty knocked out. Hmm.. she...

That's when it hit me. Its her! The girl who discovered our hideout! Her face registered in my mind and no doubt I'm right. I called the others and they rushed in.

"Guys, its the girl who discovered our hideout!" I exclaimed. They looked at me in astonishment before shoving me aside as they went towards her to confirm my statement. 

"Holyshit its her!"  Jimin whisper-shouted

"What's going on guys?" Yoongi came into the room, looking freshly showered. His hair was wet and water was dripping down his face. His towel was hanged over his neck and the dampness of it was making his white shirt looking translucent.

I forced myself to look away and said "Hyung, she was the girl who discovered our hideout."


Hey guys im sososo sorry for the really slow and late update.

 I was busy preparing for my major exam and now that its over i hv more time to dedicate to my writing!! I apologise that this chap wasnt really exciting but i promise it will be better the next one! so do continue to read my fanfic and support it!! 

ps. i decided to add in a hint of bromance into this story from now on . ;)

Stay tune! 

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