4 ~Part 2~

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Max. I'm sorry. But even though you fixed it in da book. You ruined it again.
Fuck you.
This time somebody else *wink wink nudge nudge* will punch your face. In da nose.
Reread our meet in chapter 4.

Tim's POV
I heard a scream come from Adam's office and realized instead of Max's, who I suspected Adam would tell, scream it was Ross. I didn't worry. I didn't expect Ross to actually kill me, cause Max would. "TIIIIM!!!!!! YOUR GONNA DIE!!!!!" I didn't hear the rest but I had an idea. "Max! Follow me." He just looked at me. "Why should I?" "Ross." I simply said his name and Max sighed nodding. I hurried to an empty office. There was a paper and pen on the desk so I wrote a sign saying 'TIM IS IN HERE' everybody would expect that from me. "What's tha-" I grabbed Max's shoulders "Stand here." I positioned him in front of the door. "Stay." I taped the sign to the door and closed it. I looked through the office's window to see Max glaring at me, still standing there. I smiled giving him a thumbs up. And hid in the office across from it witch happened to be Max's.

Max's POV
What does standing in front of the door involve Ross? I glared at Tim through the window and got a thumbs up. After he left I gave a chuckle at his thumbs up. After about 3 minutes in there I heard Ross screaming "TIIIMMM!!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!" I laughed then realized.... The sign. I hurried to open the door to tear down the sign but Ross flashed through the window. Shit!

Ross's POV
I saw a sign in the distance not long after yelling for Tim. It said 'TIM IS IN HERE' I believed it. I shut my eyes tight for some reason and opened the door. I threw my fist into the air colliding with something. Before I opened my eyes I heard a screech. "ROSS!! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" "Wait... MAX!?!!??!" I spoke my thoughts aloud. I opened my eyes to see Mad holding his nose. He removed hand and there was blood.... Shit... I heard a locking door behind me and turned around. Max's Office? I dismissed it. "Max! I'm so sorry! I was chasing Tim and-" Max stopped me, "Tim's in there. And, OW!" I nodded turning around and banging on the door. "TIM!!!!" I saw Barney peek his head out of his out office. Then Max came out of the empty one and walked down the hall. I growled following him. I heard the two talking, "What's happened dirt?" Max moved his hand. "Ross punched me." I held me hands above my hands "TIMS FAULT!!" Barney laughed then looked back at Max. "You should kills Tim later, also Adams needs to talks to you." Max grunted as he grabbed his nose again and walked to the kitchen to grab something for his nose. I'm sorry Max... He looked at me and gave a weak growl as he leaned on the counter holding a paper towel to his nose now.

So? Next chapter will be at their home btw. Also Max is pissed right now! XD I'll update with the pics later. My fwiend gonna draw a speed paint for this. MWAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! XD
~Mango Who Will Be Killed By Max In Next Chapter Most Likely X3

An Already Walked Upon Story  Mithzan X Ross Fanfic [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora