chapter twenty three

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"come as you are to me
don't need apologies
know that you are all worthy
i'll take all your bad days with your good
walk through this storm i would
i'll do it all because
i love you."


Caterina's POV:

"She won't cooperate either way. This won't change anything."

"It's not my call. But at least she'll shut up about the boy."

"Whose orders, anyway?"

"Whose do you think? Snow."

I finally get my eyes open. I try to get up but I'm strapped again to the chair I'm sitting in. The two guards who were talking stop their conversation and look at me.

"Good morning sweetheart," one of them says.

"What the hell are you doing to me?" I ask, still trying to escape from where I am despite how tight the restraints are.

"Nothing that concerns you," the other one says, as if that's supposed to reassure me.

"It's my body. I'm pretty sure that does concern me," I say, my face hardening.

They both look at each other then roll their eyes.

"Nitrous oxide. It makes you cooperate, say the things we want, also a little giggly which makes it funny for us."

"You were taking advantage of me?" I ask, although when the words leave my mouth, I realize that that's not even a surprise. "Well, it's not like it worked. Looks like they got a whole army down there, and they're not going to stop just because I asked them too."

"Maybe not, but with Peeta at it too, their little Mockingjay might stop. What's a revolution without its spark?"

I suddenly remember. They've been so busy messing with my system that I forgot about Johanna. "Where's Johanna?" I ask nervously.

"Too many questions. Maybe we should just do it now," one of them responds, and the other laughs.

"Do what?" I ask through gritted teeth, tightening my hands into fists.

"You'll figure it out soon enough. Actually, I guess you won't, if your memory is part of it."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"God, you never stop, do you?"

Before I get to say another word, I feel another sharp pain in my neck. I just feel numbness as I black out.

When I wake up, I'm back in the room that Caesar has been interviewing me in. I don't feel any different - at least, I don't think I do. I just feel the same as I did all the previous times I've sat in this chair. Only my body isn't strong enough anymore to fight the drugs they put in me.

There's a camera facing directly at me. Caesar tells me I have to read what they put on the cards. The cameras start to roll, and suddenly I'm talking. I finish reading the cards, but I don't even remember what they were about. Caesar has to call my name a couple times before he starts his usual questions again.

"Just to clarify, Caterina - you would like all the rebel soldiers to stop what they're doing, right?"

Someone behind the cameras tells me to nod. So I nod.

"Alright then. And Caterina, remember that you're on the right side here. You're doing everything right and keeping Finnick safe."

I blink. "Who?"

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