Book of Clans

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hello to all my lovely dewdrops reading this story :) it makes me so happy to see people reading my story :) sorry about the long wait, been super dooper busy with school, but i hope this make up for everything, i made it a tiny bit longer than the other chapters.

HERE WE GOOOOO!!!! whooohoooo


I felt weak, like my body was not fully there, like the spirit inside of me was taken away, or maybe I was just dreaming. I tried to open my eyes but was met by resistance. I couldn’t hear anything; there was just an eerie silence that lasted together. Maybe I was dead; I think I would actually be dreaming something happy if I was alive. It felt like hours, yet I had no way of counting time, I lost track after a while. I wasn’t sure if my eyes were closed or open, it felt all the same now, looked all the same, and sounded all the same.

I looked to my left, then to my right. I looked over my shoulder behind me and saw a soft glowing light; it looked like it was softly glowing different colours every now and then. It was alluring, I just wanted to follow it, see where it leads me. I felt my legs move, one step after the other, a straight line leading towards the growing light. A few more steps and the light consumed me, blinding me eyes.

Once the light had dimmed I found myself surrounded by colour once more. It seemed as though I had stepped into some sort of garden, there were flowers everywhere, all different colours; a small stream ran through the garden, disappearing from sight as it curved around a large willow tree. A small wooden bridge ran over the stream and lead to a bench covered in moss under another willow tree. It seemed almost magical, yet silent. No birds tweeting or animals rustling within the bushes.

What were you thinking Desdemona

I span around, looking in all directions, wondering where the voice had come from, it felt so long since I had heard anyone speak.

Yes, you could have gotten very hurt child

I looked everywhere, there was more than one person now, I was beginning to wonder if I had gone crazy, maybe I’m going to heaven.

You do not understand the power you withhold

“Who are you, where am I? Why can’t I see you!” I asked, looking around frantically, everywhere I turn, only flowers and trees followed.

Here child

I turned around and looked up and saw three fairy looking females floating down from the trees. They were all so beautiful, one in gold, one in blue and one the colour of auburn. They were all so enchanting; their wings looked so delicate and intricate. The one in the middle wearing gold had a crown of sorts so I was guessing she was a very important figure, but how would she know my name.

We have been watching you, my dear

That is not creepy at all, not one bit. I looked up through the bits of hair that had fallen across my face, her bright blue eyes looking down on me.

You are not human, my dear

What does she mean I’m not human, I think I would know if I have fangs or turn into a werewolf suddenly.

Sweetie, we are the Goddesses, we watch over everyone in this realm, which includes you.

“I am really confused, I am human, I know I am, my family is human, I lived in the human world, everything about me is human!” I say to them frantically, not wanting to believe any of this, I was just having some really crazy and weird dream and I will wake up soon in my shitty life.

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