Old times

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Isabella sat in front of her vanity. She continuously thought of the day her big brother died. She left him be killed, while she had nothing in her power to help. She could never forgive herself. It has been 5 months since his death. The clave has been letting the lightwoods' off the hook due to "family issues".Meanwhile, Jace and Clary comfort each other's grief. Although, Alec's death really made a toll on Magnus. Drinking more, denying clients, Magnus was a damsel in distress. One day, his routine was interrupted by a knock on his door. Magnus was certain it was someone from the institute who came to knock some sense in him. "Go away. Im not going to the institute, just l-" he was cut off. "I'm,not from the institute. Im here with your order..." Magnus felt humiliated. He quickly opened the door which exposed his face to organic sunlight. He slightly hissed at the feeling. "Sorry darling, I have to apologize for my behavior." He took the box and payed the young girl extra."Please do keep the change" the girl hesitated to take it. "T-thank you very much,sir." She walked away as Magnus smiled, which turned into a frown as he closed the door. "Mundane." He mumbled.

Magnus found him self bored with drinking. He decided to go to the cafe and get a milk with cinnamon like Alec would make him. He drove to the cafe ignoring the fact that it was 9:30 at night. He walked in pleased by the smell of fresh bread and milk. How wonderful of a smell, he thought. "Milk and cinnamon." He asked the waitress, who was giving him a stern look of confusion. A girl across from him looked at him the same way and laughed. "Thats a pretty interesting order you have there hehe." Magnus looked up from his table. "Yes, I suppose it is." They both smiled. "Hey do I-" "Yes, you gave me a package." Magnus said as he cut her off. Her cheeks blushing a tint of pink. Magnus's smile sooned turned to a frown as he remembered how Alec would blush the same when he gave him a compliment. "Hey, what's wrong?" The girl asked. "Nothing really, I assure you." Magnus had finished the last sip of milk and sighed. They girl's eyes widened and snapped her fingers as they lit blue. In an instant, Magnus's cup was refilled. He was almost scared out of his wits of the sight. "H-how..." he looked up at the girl. "I'm sorry, I, it was an instinct, I saw you like it s-" Magnus lifted his hand a few feet from her which made her shush. "Your a warlock...."'he whispered lightly but loud enough for her to hear. Magnus looked at the left over mist of blue on her hands. "What is your name, young one?" He asked as he raised on eyebrow. "Amethyst.." she spoke. Magnus smiled wider than before. "I should of guessed. Judging off of how beautiful you are." Amethyst blushed even harder with the pink in her cheeks deepen in color. Magnus was almost distracted by the conversation but jumped as he remembered her name. "You, ma'am, need to come with me!" He grabbed her cold hand and snapped his fingers. He and Amethyst were then in his apartment. Guiding her to the living room, he made a call to Clary. "Magnus! Im s-" Magnus cut her off. "No need to talk, come over now." He hung up the phone and served her a cocktail. "Sorry, I don't drink..." Magnus was surprised. He had never had a friend who didn't drink. "Please, I'm sure you'll like it, not to mention, that wine cost more than a suit." Amethyst drank from the glass he gave her. "Bitter. "She said with a disgusted face. Magnus laughed. "Your not used to it." Suddenly the was a knock on the door. Magnus never turned to look, so he snapped his fingers knowing it was Clary. The door opened. "Magnus, you-" Clary changed her staement as she saw the strange girl. "You have a friend over?" Magnus rolled his eyes annoyed by the poor shadow hunter. "Amethyst, Clary, Clary, Amethyst. I'm sure you know her Clary?" Clary shook her head. "Oh right, you poor mundane was only 3." He twisted around and jerked his head. "Old times.....like your old love for your j-" It was Clary's turn to cut him off. "Magnus, if this is about Alec-" Magnus slammed his fist to the wall. "WHY IS EVERYTHING ABOUT ALEC NOW?!?!" Silenced filled the room. He stormed to the dinning room and sat. Amethyst was confused. "Who's Alec?" She asked. Magnus stormed back. "None of your goddamn business, young lady!" He yelled harshly with a hint of sadness. His sobbing heard from the living room. "His boyfriend..my step brother..." she explained. "They got in a fight?" Amethyst asked. "No...he um..died few months back." Amethyst felt ashamed of her question. "BIG MOUTH!"Magnus yelled from the dining room. Magnus, once again, stormed back. He let out a huge sigh a said, "Back to the point." Clary crossed her arms. " Clary meet Amethyst, the previous owner of the Book of The White."

Clary's jaw dropped down. She hugged Amethyst. Amethyst was oblivious of what was going on. Clary noticed her confusion. "The Book of The White, where is it?" Amethyst had a down face. "I d-" "She doesn't have it! Great!" Magnus snapped. Amethyst rolled her eyes at the amount of times he did that. But it was true. She didn't. She snapped her fingers, and she was sitting on the coach with her hands cupping her cheeks. "It's true..." she sobbed. Clary let out a slight squeak. Magnus snapped his fingers also, making Amethyst stand up from her sobbing. "This is no time for sitting, dear. Do you at least know where it is?" He said harshly. Amethyst didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes. I-I do.." "Great!" Clary yelled. "Don't get your hopes up Clary, judging by the after math of her facial expression, I bet she doesn't know how to get there." Once again, Magnus was right. Amethyst buried her face deeper in her palms. "Don't worry,dear. Every warlock needs practice." He said with a smile. He stood up and headed for the kitchen to fetch a drink. Surprisingly, Chairman Meow, his cat, was waiting for his owner's return. "Silly cat." Magnus teased. He took his favorite glass and filled it with expensive wine. He took a sip, pleased. "Why do you always drink?" Clary asked. "Why do you always draw?" He mocked Clary to prove his point. Clary then received call from Jace." Hello?" She answered." Hey can you come with me and Izzy on a mission?" Clary smiled brightly. "Sure!" "K b-" before Jace said bye, Clary stopped him. "Can Magnus come?" Magnus nearly choked on his wine. Jace hesitated to answer. "B-bane?Yeah, um, sure." He said harshly. The 2 said bye and Clary hung up the phone. Clary opened the front door. "You coming?" Magnus set down his drink with confusion all over his face."C'mon, who have to get put the house." She begged. Magnus let out a loud sigh, stomping out the door without a word. Amethyst and Clary laughed.

Clary, Magnus, and Amethyst walked in the institute. All eyes on Magnus. "What?" He asked as everyone still stared. Magnus knew his clothes were Armani, but he knew it wasn't about his formal attire. He, once again, stormed away, this time to the confrence room.Jace was least surprised to see him, knowing the warlock hated him. With a passion. But apparently, everyone is family, so he and Jace had to at least ACT like friends. As soon as Magnus sat down, he shot a scary, stern look at Jace. Jace slightly jumped. Clary felt awkward. "I'll get our weapons, boys." She quickly left. Silence filled the room. Jace started, "Magnus, I'm sorry. I saw how he was around you, so nervous, blushing everytime , almost making me jealous. But...When I saw you come, i had to protect him. I really thought he loved me-" Magnus stood up and used his magic to choke the wits out of Jace. "ALEX WOULDN'T LOVE A DISGRACE LIKE YOU ARE! YOU LET HIM DIE GODDAMIT!" Magnus cried hard. Tears running down his face, along with his mascara. Magnus already hated being in the same room with him, but Jace had the nerve to annoy him? Clary ran in, trying to push down Magnus's fingers from Jace's direction. Magnus gave up. He then ran out the institute crying, with, once again, everyone staring.

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