By the angel

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"Mags...." Alec muttered out. Magnus was lit with joy as he glared back into Alec's perfect blue eyes. He hugged him tightly, but not enough to choke him. Alec wasn't sure what happened. He completely forgot about the last hour. He then saw tears and mascara stained on Magnus's face. "W-what's wrong?" He asked. Magnus smiled brightly at him, he couldn't be happier. Magnus then turned to Amethyst, who was watching the 2 reunite. "Amethyst. Thank you." he meant it, she could hear it in his voice. He then looked back down at Alec, "I- i thought you were gone.." His voice shaking and scattered. Alec couldn't register what was going on, all he remembered was a flash and a hard hit on the head. Liam smiled with the 3, he was happy to see others happy. Tears than came back rapidly from Magnus's eyes. Alec carefully sat up with him. He saw Jace crying about 10 feet away from them. The memories came back to him. He watched in disgust. He leaned over to kiss Magnus, but moaned as he felt the pain of his wound. "Careful." Amethyst warned. Magnus stood up and help Alec up. Alec held on Magnus's shirt for dear life as he stood up, trying his best not to fall. Magnus opened a portal to Insititute and the 4 walked in.

As they enter, Maryse comes running to Alec. "By the Angel, Alec, are you okay?!!?" She asked. Alec nodded, talking would make the pain worse. "I swear, when i see Valentine-" Magnus stopped her, "Valentine is dead. And soon will Jace." Maryse gave an assuring look, but worried at the same time. She adopted Jace, She knew he was a great kid. How could he do such a thing? Clary then came out of no where, walking up to the group."Jace isn't coming back?" Liam looked up. "I'm afraid so." As soon as Clary heard his words, she stormed to her room. Izzy then walked by, she was still sniffling from crying. She then saw her big brother hauled on to Magnus. She smiled and ran after him. Alec hugged her tightly as she came by surprise. She then finally let go, letting him breath. Izzy begged herself not to leave, but as a stepsister, she needed to talk to Clary. "I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Magnus gave her a nod, then she walked away. She knocked on Clary's door. "Can i come in?" she asked. Clary moaned deeply as to say yes. Izzy walked in and saw Clary hugging Jace's pillow. "What's wrong?" Clary sniffed and sniffed until she answered. "Jace needs to be here.. I can't...I..." Izzy stopped her. "Clary, What Jace did was wrong. He has endangered the shadow hunter species and turned on our h-" Clary stopped her. "Izzy, I'm pregnant." Izzy gasped. Silence filled the room. "Jace got you pregnant?" Clary nodded her head. Izzy didn't know what to say. She was so shocked. "Are..Are you sure?!" Clary nodded again. Izzy let out a huge sigh, rubbing Clary's leg. "Okay..well, congrats!" she masked herself with a face smile. She got up and walked out the room.She passed the group but was stopped by Maryse. "Everything okay?" She asked. Izzy nodded. "Sure.." She walked on.

Magnus finally agreed that it would be best fro Alec to stay in the institute with family until he gets better. Alec promised him he'll be back in the apartment when he is. From that day on, Magnus visited Alec every day, bringing him Taki's take out and coffee. His favorite. "Thank you, Mags." Alec said. Magnus smiled at him. After a good 40 minutes of staying with Alec, Magnus soon got up and said goodbye. He had a client to attend. As he walked out, he paused to see Amethyst, who was playing chess with her brother laughing, he smiled. He walked on, Then completely paused to see Clary crying in her room. He walked in unannounced. The door was wide open anyway. "Whatever is the matter?" He asked. Clary sniffled more and stopped crying. "Nothing, Magnus." Magnus was sure he saw correctly. He sat down next to Clary. "Is this about Jace?" Clary looked up in surprise. "How did you know?" She asked. Magnus smiled. "Well i see you're hugging his pillow, a picture of him on your dresser, and not to mention, my cards say a lot." Clary laughed under her breath. She told him all about what was going on. He had the same reaction as Izzy. "Well, kiddo, congrats on your new..em..accomplishment." Clary sniffled more. Then, Magnus left the room with an idea soon to talk to Alec about.

"But he can't come back, Magnus, If he wants to be with Clary then he'll need to be somewhere separate from the institute." Alec explained. Magnus sighed. "Okay, I agree.What about a family house?" Magnus asked. Alec nodded. "That everyone can live in!" Alec then shook his head. "Okay! It's official!" Magnus almost yelled. HHe walked out. "Wait Mag-" Alec sai, but it was too late. Magnus had already made things official.



Cat Eyes And Silent Cries (completed) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang