oh lonely

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Magnus got up one morning and realized his depression wasn't a dream. His apartment was lit brightly by the warm, bright sun coming through ever window. Magnus, on the other hand, was not happy. He got up and walked inside is closet. Oh how colorful it was. But, Magnus grabbed a hoodie that belonged to Alec. He put it on, the sleeves covering his hands. This was the first time Magnus ever wore such a thing. He adored that hoodie. After a while, Magnus thought about Alec. Every new memory that he remembered, made a tear roll down his face. Meanwhile, Izzy and Simon were on a lunch date. Izzy loved these types of afternoons. Amethyst, spending time with the man in the moon, and Jace and Clary being naughty. Typical afternoons. Magnus began to grow angrier at the fact that Alec wasnt there to hug him and say things would be fine. Magnus quickly stood up and located a spell book for holograms. He read the spell aloud, thinking of Alec. Then, before him, was a perfect hologram of Alec Lightwood. Magnus ran to him and gave him such a big hug. He started crying harder. From that second, Magnus realized this was temporary. He grabbed the spell book again, searching for spells that raise the dead. He read aloud about 40 spells, but still nothing. Each spell making him weaker and weaker. He gave up. He stopped in the middle of a spell and fell to the ground sluggish. He fell asleep.
When Magnus woke up, he was in a hospital bed in a little hospitals like room. "Institute..." he thought. He looked beside him. On the table was his phone. He took it up and on his home screen was April 8. "Holy bagumba!" He yelled. He has been there for 4 days. He quickly sat up, but then pushed back down by the shooting pain in his back. "Gah!" He yelled. Izzy ran in adjusting the needle in his arm so water would go through the cord. "Shh...don't move." She instructed. He tried his best. "D-did it work?" He managed to blurt out. "What?" Izzy looked up at him. "The spel- mmm!" He started and moaned since Izzy moved his pillow. "The spell." Izzy smiled. "You have to find out for your self when your well enough. Amethyst found you. She helped the you back to the institute and did you a favor." Magnus raised an eyebrow. But he didn't bother to ask any more questions. He fell asleep without noticing.

As he slept, Izzy left the room, where outside, everyone was waiting. And to add to the group was Alec. The spell did work. Oh how happy everyone was. But matters were not balanced at the time. "Is he okay?" Clary asked. Izzy shook her hand as to say kind of. Everyone sighed. Alec groaned and decided to walk in to see Magnus. But Izzy stopped him. He looked at her confused. "I promised him he'll see you when he is well." Alec frowned, turning back. "Tell him I'll be waiting." He said before walking to his room to sit. Izzy had a headache. Keeping up with Magnus, Alec, Simon, and looking good was stressful. She rubbed her eyes. "I'll get you some coffee." Clary said. Izzy smiled. "Thank you." Jace just turned to go to sleep. Izzy stopped him. "Tell me, Jace, what happened between you and Alec?" Silenced then filled the room. Jace sighed. "Nothing..."'he walked away, again stopped by Izzy. "No, Jace, it wasn't nothing. Magnus is hurt and you seem to not even care that your brother is worried, and your happy?!?!?" She shouted. "He's not my brother!" He shouted back. "He tried to kill me, he avoids me, he hates me, he ..... It's all blamed on me, Izzy, all this time, he was the victim, while I'm suffering. Do you....just leave me alone." Izzy shut her mouth as she began to protest. She couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. He walked away. Clary came back with Izzy's coffee. "What was that all about?" She said handing her the mug. Izzy took a sip. "Your boyfriend is crazy."

Later on, Magnus was still asleep, dreaming, of Alec. He was happy. They were laughing together. Magnus smiled in his sleep. But memories came back. His smiled turning into a frown. Every memory made him moan. "A-alec....A-ALEC!" As he moved his shooting pain came back, blood pouncing through his veins. He repeatedly screamed. The screams woke everyone. Alec woke with a start. He quickly put on sweat pants and ran to Magnus. "Shh,it's okay....." he hushed holding his hand. Izzy came running in, so as Clary. "What happened?" Izzy asked. "He probably moved a little to much." Alec suggested. Magnus's moans came to a face as he opened his eyes to the sight of Alec. "I-it worked! A-al-Gah!" He screamed once more. Clary held him down as Izzy injected a pain reliever in the needle in his arm. Magnus slowly calmed down. "What did you give him?" Alec asked and stood up, still holding his hand. "A pain reliever. It's temporary.." "When will he be well?" Magnus looked up at Izzy. "I don't know..." Clary let go of Magnus's sides. Matters only gotten worse. Amethyst ran in. "Someone's broken in!" Everyone looked over. "They must be a shadow hunter since they came in by themselves." Clary said. From outside a loud BANG was brought to everyone's attention. "We need to be ready to fight. Let's go." Izzy said. "What about Magnus?!?!" Alec asked. Clary looked over at Alec. "Stay here with him, we will take care of things." They then ran out the door. Amethyst watched as Jace and the girls got ready while Alec explained what happened and why he's well. Amethyst. "Um..." Amethyst started. "NO." Jace answered. "You don't know what I was going to ask." Jace looked her in the eye. "You were going to ask is if you can join in on the mission. And the answer is NO. The last thing we need is a troubling warlock like yourself." He turned back around and continues to get ready, while Izzy stared at him. "Amethyst, sure, you can come." Jace looked up at her. "You're not seriously letting her come, are you?" Izzy grinned. "Oh I've never been more serious in my life." Clary lightly laughed not to piss off Jace. "She's not useful, she probably doesn't know how to kill a fly." Amethyst grew angry. She lifted her fingers to his neck, choking him. "Do NOT underestimate me." She let go and walked away. Izzy and Clary laughed at how humiliated Jace was. It was almost sad he was bullied by someone younger than himself.
As they walked out they headed to then lobby. Eyes stared at them, pointing over to the training center. As Izzy opened the door, she heard a hiss. She paused for a second, then resumed to opening the door. Camille was waiting patiently leaning on a training dummy. "Well,well, well, I've been waiting for answers." Clary rolled her eyes. "What do you want Camille?" Camille gave her a slick look licking her fangs. "Being a good ex girlfriend, and checking on my honey bear, I heard he's hurt." She said sarcastically pouting. "Magnus doesn't want to see you." Amethyst replied. Camille bobbed her head to look at Amethyst. "And whom might you be?" Amethyst didn't answer. Camille rolled her eyes. She was being her best to stay good, but people were just so idiotic to her. "So can I see him? I came from miles away, I need my reward." She bragged. "No!" Clary protested. "No?" Camille was surprised. " I guess I'll see him myself!" Before anyone of them could catch her, she sped off to the door of the medical room and pushed it open. "Honey bear!" She yelled. Magnus and Alec looked over. "Camille.." Magnus whispered. Alec walked in front of the bed and blocked Magnus from harm's way. "Get away from him." He said. Camille laughed. By the toss of her finger, she threw Alec to the wall. She walked over to Magnus, who had a angry face on. "Come here.." he whispered leaning to kiss Magnus, then being pushed off by him slightly since he had no strength left. Camille held him down instead and kissed him. "Did I kiss it better?" She teased. Alec got up and pinned her to the wall. "Stay away from him, or things won't be pretty." His face red as a tomato. "Your cute." She twisted his hand tightly as possible. She walked back over to Magnus. "No one is agreeing with my needs today..so I came to see you. All I wanted was to see my honey bear, and it's such a hassle!" She yelled. Magnus laughed. "Your a crazy woman who deserves to lay in her coffin." He turned his head as she smiled. "Honey, coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now." Amethyst ran in. Magnus turned his head back around. "Amethyst! I'll kill her, no worries." He said. But this time, without smiling. Amethyst rolled her eyes. Magnus was still droopy on the pain reliever. She mumbled a spell And yelled the last word. "UATHANTA!" Camille smiled as nothing happened. But as she walked toward Amethyst to kill her, she literally fell to pieces. Magnus raise an eyebrow at Camille's remains. "Finally. Someone killed the wicked buger." Amethyst laughed. She turned around to Alec who was still laying on the floor. "He not DEAD right? PLEASE tell me he isn't." Magnus asked. Amethyst grabbed a chair. Snapping her fingers, for him to sit there with a pillow. "He'll be fine." She promised. Magnus sighed of relief . The others ran in. "Sorry we're late, Camille brought some friends." Silence filled the room. "Who killed her?" Izzy asked. "Amethyst did." Magnus replied. "With great posture, I might a-add." Amethyst smiled. Alec shifted in my seat. "Did help me, too." Izzy made a "I told you so" face at Jace.

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