Demon from within

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A/N: okay before i start, i wan to say that i was super inspired to write this after reading a malec fanfiction. 

Alec sat down with Izzy in her room. Izzy was explaining, in the calmest way possible, how some demons have marks, which need to be discovered so that the institute has a better chance of killing them rather than the demons killing off another group of shadow hunters. "So.." she started."You know that, lots of shadow hunters are dying off because of these 'marks' the demons have." Alec nodded his head. Izzy took a deep breath before saying the next thing. She didn't want to anger him in any way, but hell, Alec was damn sure complicated. After she exhaled, she started, "The whole, well most, of the institute thinks it is 'best' to let you help discover the marks since....Magnus-" Alec got up before she had said anymore. Izzy was afraid that would happen. "Here we go.." she mumbled. "No."Alec simply said, but in a harsh way. Izzy sighed, she and the institute really needed Alec's help on this one. Alec stormed out the door. Half way into the hallway, Jace stopped him. "Did Iz talk to you?" Alec kept on walking. "Yes. And my answer is no." Jace sighed, too. Alec walked into the library . . Magnus glanced over the top of his book to see Alec, as he turned the page , who just came in. Alec looked around, trying to find Magnus. Their eyes met for a second before a blush coloured the Alec's  cheeks. This had been going on for a few minutes. Magnus had came a little while ago and Alec was oblivious of his appearance for a while until now.He felt someone come up behind him then long glittery nailed fingers appeared at the side of his face holding out a disposable cup. "Coffee?" Magnus asked. Alec smiled and took the coffee. "Thanks." His smile soon dimmed to a frown. Magnus noticed his expression, his face turned to concern. "Something you want to talk about?" He asked. Alec looked up from his coffee and raised an eyebrow. "It's nothing..really." Magnus then too raised an eyebrow. "Well, judging by your face, it's very serious. Tell me all about it, biscuit." Alec giggled a bit under his breath. Alec then gave him a sad looking smile. "Izzy wants me to look into discovering your demon marks.." He blurted out. Magnus was surprised. "Oh..Is that so?" Alec nodded. "She and the rest of us looked into one a few months ago when we were studying for a test given from the Clave." Magnus was now worried. He begged he only knew one. "Your eyes...and..another no one knows of." Alec said. Magnus laughed lightly. "Oh, i see, they want to see them. Darling, i wouldn't do it even if they threatened to rip my Armani!" Alec laughed with him. "So, you don't trust me?" Alec grinned slyly. Magnus's eyes widened. "Why would you say that?" "Because, you said you wouldn't show them no matter the threat, so, you wouldnt show me?" Magnus's face almost lit with exitement, but he realized this was a serious matter. Alec never kept things from him, he was open ever since the wedding. So Magnus gave him a challange. "Tell you what, If you figure out what and where my mark is, I'll show you my eyes." Alec accepted the challange, then studied him carefully. 

A couple weeks later, Alec was almost driven mad that he couldn't figure out what or where the mark is on Magnus. He couldn't get to anyways, because of a big mission he had to go on ever since the deal. Today was the another day, Izzy and Jace felt that Alec was lonely and anxious for someone to talk to. After weeks of mission days, Izzy decided to put her foot down and end his insanity. She took him to a private place to talk. "Alec, Jace and I decided that you need to go home and see Magnus." Alec's cheeks blushed 19 different shades of pink, but he didn't smile. He opened his mouth to talk, "Thanks Iz." Izzy smiled brightly at him. The 2 gave him a wave goodbye, and continued the mission. Alec decided to walk to the institute, but he didn't want anyone asking why he came back so early, so he headed to Magnus's apartment. He opened the door with his keys and walked in. "Magnus?" He said, but no answer. He wasn't there. So he drank coffee and snuggled with chairman meow. A few hours later, Alec was startled out of his sleep when he heard the turn of the door knob. Magnus had came home. He looked as if he was in the worst mood. Alec sat silently, watching Magnus carefully. There he was. The man he yearned for, for weeks. Magnus trudged off his coat and shirt that were both soaking wet from the rain, revealing his bare chest. Alec accidentally dropped his feet from the coach to the floor. Magnus was startled, he thought it was an burglar. He turned around slowly, surprised to see Alec. Oh how happy Magnus was to see him. "Alexander.." He said. Alec walked over to him, and kissed him deeply. Magnus moaned in relief. Alec then moved him and himself to the closest wall, pinning him up against it. Magnus was tired, but not as tired to not enjoy this. Alec digged his fingers in his boyfriends shoulders making him moan more. Magnus was pleased. He then felt his legs about to give up, he'd been exhausted from work. Alec felt him giving out, so he slid his leg between his and propped him up. Magnus moaned louder, amking Alec smiled against his lips. Magnus felt at home. Then, the glamour hiding His demon marks was gone. The pleasure he was given made him weak.oh oh. Alec began to raise his leg higher making Magnus's eyes shoot open, revealing his golden cat eyes. Then, came appeared a mark of his lower side. Alec began to kiss him down his neck, he stopped when he caught a glare at the mark. He assumed it was a new tattoo, so he continued, going upward with kisses. As he reached his lips, he then noticed his eyes were shot open still when his leg was still between his legs. He decided to completely stop now. Magnus was confused. "What's wrong, pumpkin?" Alec hesitated. "Your...your eyes.." Magnus was now fully aware of the situation. "Shit!" He yelled. Alec was confused now. Magnus still cursed. "You made my glamour wear out.." He made no eye contact with Alec, afraid he'll freak. Maganus then noticed the mark on his lower side. He quickly turned away from Alec not to show him. "I'm sorry, Ale, I really have....shit.." He stormed to the bedroom, but Alec stopped him. "Magnus.." Magnus stopped in the middle of the hallway. He sighed. "Look, I never kept anything from you. So why keep things from me?" With that sentence alone, Magnus found it convincing because it was true. He didn't want to hide anything from Alec.It killed him to lie to him. "Show me." Alec said calmly. Magnus let at one last sigh and turned to Alec, making direct eye contact. Alec observed. Magnus looked down to his feet. "I guess your going to tell Izzy all about it, huh?" Alec smiled. "Nope. I just wanted to see the real you." Magnus began to smile too. 

It's been 2 days now. Valentine began to grow angrier by the minute. As he called Jace, he Left one message, "Jace! I'm going to give you one last chance! Bring Alec in the next day, or your a dead man!" Jace finally heard the message he left, and decided he had no other choice. Forgive me, God, he said to himself. He walked over to Alec room. He took the biggest breath before knocking. He prepared the bag in his hand. He knocked on the door. Alec opened it, Jace then covered hishead with the bag and trudged him out the institue without being noticed. "I'm sorry Alec.." Jace frowned. Alec, however, was squirming to escape to ties that Jace wove around his hands and feet. Jace then arrived at the location Valentine was hiding. He opened the door to Valentine 'office' and draged Alec in, still squirming. "Good, Jace." Alec recognized the voice, his eyes widened. He immediately stopped squirming. "Turn on the camera, Make sure this is live, everywhere." Valentine commanded. Jace obeyed. Jace propped Alec up and a chair, he couldn't here him breath heavily inside the bag. He turned on the camera. Everywhere, whatever device, Showed live video of this. The institute T.Vs and devises showed it, Magnus's T.V showed it while he was watching the real house wives, and on Amethyst's, Liam's and Clary's phone showed it. Everyone gasped to see Jace and Valentine side by side with a bot with a bag over his head. "Hello, everyone!" Valentine announced. "I hope your all watching, including the Clave. Now, The Mortal Cup was mine to begin with, and i need it back! My army of shadow hunters must continue! And if it doesn't, He'll won't be hurt, but killed." Valentine took the bag off of Alec's head, revealing a red, pale face that belonged to him. Everyone gasped, some feared his life. Valentine then shot Alec in the arm, with a needle like object, which made him scream and fall to the floor. Magnus watched,shocked. He immediately got up and stormed out the door, slamming it behind him. He headed to the institute, he didn't ask any questions, he quickly sat in front of a computer and checked the cameras. He re winded to early today, then saw when Jace took him, he didn't realize that Clary, Izzy and Amethyst were standing behind him, so it startled him to hear Izzy's sniffles. He then got up, they followed him to in Jace's room. Surprisingly, Jace had left his phone. What a fool. Magnus checked his messages with Valentine and came across his location. Magnus continued his silence, and look over at the girls, including Liam. Clary decided to stay back to make sure everything is under control. So, Magnus went through a portal with Amethyst and Liam. They arrived in a dark prairie. This wasn''t their original location in the video, did they move? They sure did. Liam turned around, shocked. "You guys need to see this.." Amethyst and Magnus turned around together and noticed Jace was holding his sword over Alec tied up body. "ALEC!" Magnus yelled his loudest, running to them. Jace was startled. If he kept Alec alive, he was sure he'll die also. He couldn't bare to die like that. "I'M SORRY MAGNUS!" he yelled to him, making sure he heard. Jace then swung his sword into Alec's side deeply. Magnus stopped. Tears formed in his eyes, then rapidly ran down his cheeks, along with his mascara. He they swayed his arm to make a powerful orb of magic and trudged it to Jace's way, but Jace dodged it. He then ran to Alec's side and cried harder. "Here to surrender the Mortal cup?" Valentine asked from behind the 3. Amethyst was first to turn around. Then things got out of hand quick. Magnus stood up, tears still running down his cheeks. He then recreated the magical orb and threw it his way. Valentine was dead. Jace watched in horror as he saw his father and brother both dead. Well, one mostly dead. Magnus fell down to his knees again, cradling Alec's  head. Tears drenched his shirt. He had lost Alec again. Liam didn't know Alec well, but he knew he was an important aspect of the institute. Amethyst couldn't bare to see Magnus cry anymore. He was all too overwhelmed of this depravity. She leaned over Alec, and mumbled a spell. Magnus looked up, still sniffling, he recognized the spell. "No..Amethyst.." he started, but she didn't stop. "Amethyst stop, it's no use!" Magnus yelled, but she refused to stop. "AME-" magnus started, but was cut off by a large beam of light come from Alec. 


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